\ hi. 3,! -ms sums nssotznnut. com: m vrsnnssn. no runs 11. ms. ~ ‘Ff-:7»-"=i"Fo”Fr’=iv ¢i=-rm‘ WHAT cotflv TS Tfiia WA Y, so } :.':::::.' 3.‘.-:"..:.‘.°:".':.'.'.. '?..:'..*... :.:::‘.:.:..°‘ i'*..$°“..::.°:.i.." 3:: m..3?.'::.°.::*..“. 1" -- ""“" "" '’° LONG AS OLD PALS MEET,‘——r "rho campaign is pwtmuns." Nd an, L W. st. Clair-Moss, president Every year many Columbia families another "veteran." Shea of the Kansas? \\ - or Christian College. this mornint have reunions. old soldiers attend re— City Western Union otdce. cut in and’ ' "This week. Columbia is being dls- union; yearly. Saturday former stu-' renewed an acquaintance begun inj meted and captains of the u.nrass- den” and alumni of the University London. 1 ins ¢h°’¢"~ Th‘-' held their annual Homecoming reun-p’ With the tour on the wire the en-l financial drive opens Monday. N-ove-m- to, here, but a week ago two Co-' tire war was fought again. Every- : ber 17. 0111-8159 of Columbia. J. Kelly mm“; telegraph operators parl.ici- thing was discussed. from the Boul-' ' Wrlxht and W- 11- Th°mP°°'3 "'3 °" pated in another sort oi reunion. It evard ties ltallens. Paris. to Picadilly 2 ganialng the coil!"-7. co-overntlns ‘F1111 gm, a reunion with two other .._-t-re- Circus. London. with a little thrown l E. D- 1489- Chflmin °‘ me B°°“° tors. one in Kansas City and the other in about the seawall at Brest. Inci- Oounty ‘minute-me:i."' _ in Oklahoma City. They were 1’ ur' dentally. one or the boys had (‘villi-‘dz = ‘hie 10811159" 0’ the C1‘'’““'“‘ C‘’’ or the the sin! operators from the the former kaiser‘: uie.-«sage accept- ‘ leee Club met .\ion’ay at the Chris- American "my 53¢ navy overseas. ing President Wilson's fourteen O tian Church to plan their sections of H happened mm mm 3_“.‘e,m pom“ I the M11919 P3"3d° "bk" ‘rm I” 5°”. i“Sox"l cage was "cussing"'t.he Nor- But. then. the reunion was inter- .. operator because Norman rupted by the report of the second- M0330 gisirtg:-isn ((:I;”::: :;;::;;:;;n?; was slow, and Columbia was ouhitlttt half or the football game. i ‘ 99° ‘ ' toes for the report oi the last a , " "" ‘ ‘_ _ , : 1 °““:_‘“““ °' '1" ""9 ma 3°", "C7 or the lilssouri—0ltlahoina football Puvlnns ‘T nu" T“l"""""" ‘ I \ H I A I I .9".-..'.."a ' . ‘H, C 1 ‘s I‘ I . _\- e .‘-. ...sn "ensues" 0 n l tion. imam 5 COLL"MBlA—Tonight and Thurs-A "T58 D1735? V” be 1'3 the "“"”'t .whal-8 the mane, with mu ge1-‘da,\". Dorothy Dalton. in “The Honie-‘y "‘ i of a pageant showing the history of' low at Somw_ Don-t he know me breakers" which will be shown at th-~_ _E' v the college. the astutnes worn fill” entire student body 18 uwmdm‘ by»-,(‘oIu1nbia Theater tonight and lame!‘ ‘ _ _ 9 lug diiierent periods. and the work of’ waking ‘or mm ‘mm Ten oknh°m‘:t-ow is the story of a traveling salt-s-‘ An mcomparable selection of ”’° 'p°°“] dwutmenu md”' nchl City to come in on this wire and make; 553' ""h°"° 5‘”°°"‘°‘"‘~ 5““"‘-" ‘O N33" ‘.1’ department will have it oat." it “up” we ‘mm to so to p,.e”_llhe white lights while his girl is on‘ 5 1"“ number of flumnu pa- And besides it has been an hour ""3 V°‘d- 1‘ ml‘-'-“'~-"“."1“’7S 5??“ V I 1* l "093 ‘ad “rm” ‘maul’ ‘"9 91' land I Fold Weekly osmplete the bill. _ _.ince we had the first half. _ petcted “am 'nm(:" Boo“ county to “Y say it is a railroad oi!ice.l HA1-L--eF1’id8.\' and S3il=|'i13.\'1 “'l1"9 W "1"" Q P‘ E‘ r. 5-.\' lniora a s in "'I‘h= Ilr t“ n xti A huge c’mpa"n banner was h(-‘nil l;“l1i)1(llieId-sibuflppoflfllitltlle dntlst°pell:mliolr1:es,' I-“rllzday and lg:luri'fla3° at the H21] The- ‘M3 momln‘ M’ the osmmerflal u ' school mu." (0 acumuy wppon 3‘. star. it will be the tire! tune she has‘ Building. headquarters for the csm—‘ - 0 _ _p m 1- 11 on -9 eier attempted the role of an Amer 5 wmdo‘. “rd. bum,‘ the 5.0- railroad telegraph 0 cs. e a pa 3”‘ , ham‘ (‘my 10 mn mu “now in onjican girl. Heretoiore all of her 3‘ ‘ "H‘" r hurt for Chflsthu‘ l ' h - .1 T 1, hi he-slcharacterlaations hat» la.-on that U! were place! in down-town windows‘ the dlslllltc 81'! ‘l 79- 9 ' "1 3 dd‘ ad not wading baggage not be, "yin: I girls of foreign land in it than in l a . F _ {to work a span ‘.1,‘__.n hone3l_w_ this picture. a Mask Senuott armed)‘, - _____T_ l may we summary won't tally." I BROADWA’i' ODE-I0.\'~ Tn n i it h t. ‘OWIIM3 ubnrl “in H”? Porn‘. Then someone batted in on the tel- ‘ .\fnr)‘ Roberts Rlnehnrrs story. "The 09¢!!! 7”“! -" ‘° egruph wire with s message in the Street of seven Stars." it'll! atrin-at Bring a book is the suggestion made: any mag, pictures. with a I\.\’0-Y-Gt-l iii: if by the Colglmltte: In charge‘ to tillage‘, --who is that bird using the nary j:'tt1>tnedy. "(bumps and t ups ' it) till out Whfl Ilbfln m8 ormal ODGII I13 0 I 8 1 code?“ Gage sent b‘ck' growing ‘no;-r_ ' E fll'O8I'RI!1. - (‘olttinbla Public Library Friday even-, angry with me “[3, ' Tomorrows’. Dorothy l’hlllp:l in "P...) ing. A committee will be stationed WE --yes‘ I get 5-ou_u,e¢ to be in the Me" and .Al Jennings in "'-L():~‘1‘ln bo- a’.-lable near the entrance no the libra- an“. m,.“"_ .cie -. ‘shrill; a hconiedlfi A 1 .;untr.\' rr room in the 00114? BMW"! i° '9 .4 "Honestly. Where? wen. hello. Jim" W 8 0*"- ¢OlVO Ind 70%“ &nw0nI Of C-‘rl. is use‘--. Y! I l and magazine subscriptions during the It was Carl Gama”. at onmoma, . «mm 3-‘noun L.“,5w(.h man" ‘L for every social occasion -the thea- ter, dancing, formal evening wear. - A bewildering variety. introducing many novel edects in cloth of silver and gold. black and white satin, wl'iite_ hid. bronze bid, various black leathers and suede. ,,‘1_..l\. ‘ ‘V... \ MW _~Virl . ~ l' ‘ :.l1'.:|‘ ‘ And. by the way, we've the largest assemblage of jet and cut steel bucblos we've ever shown. while the unusual fancy lace stockings now ofiered will surely "-‘°°9"°“- ' l(‘ity. an old new’ friend or Gaze; i _ . The reception Oommlltee “W1 lie:1-hen Gnse called elchletu wnson at‘. ‘\.“1‘“’.\_AL ‘”r(u‘K \_“"l'S. L‘-‘Hr ST made up at the ofllcers. members on the Wabash station in Columbia? t.urts. m. x... i-.- 1'i..- m-.- ..i...t 1....» the executive committee and depart-iwhm the um “med 0'" we “re. K¢“l_"""|‘i"l_£lE'f1Al'l.V'R‘:"‘-"I"-‘Hill.-Ii. r.T.:u.:.. “Hm __y ment chairmen of the Community) lmg'..r " ' ’ lfatlre sh-«rs $\"'-ii-Flillll bat-I’ Councn‘ earllm: ulw-rs and lu-iiv-r- $'~H|“ot$l!-t" Members of the Garden Club. under _.,l.m8 is '1 whole commnnm, “aw”! (-,.,,,, ,_-,2.-,,,,,,.,,(, ‘ ‘_ _ -‘ = ‘h° ‘“'°°u°“ °! M” J’ 5;‘ B°'°h°‘''lsaid a member at the committee to-l 2“-:.'{f::";q".i','¢',;'1.3_'-,1:" ‘:"'m"‘-"' . l V . will have charge of the decoration day "we expect mu not only ‘.11.? Fun an-cu S\.0IKt1$l2.'4l A . 7. ~. - . ‘ ‘ ti Ii if $'-'.':- $1»-It . ‘ — ' “"1 ‘"""°'”°m °‘ ‘N ubr"7J:°°m‘ the number attending the reception.‘ n‘:::8'lnRc-t:'l|?lrs‘ it-.,n.-lo’. M rho-1 7.. 2. be lame. but that man)‘ 50°” ‘ml be i =:illi'x°:i"- a liulrlio-rs no ';'.u3lt :3. ' ' ’ ' A ' ‘fl ood and lu-as-_r Slitliqjfliiil. Slit!» added to the library." . Rough 812.756 __._.__ 1 __ il.Al.\'l-‘ALL mzurs sou) wean‘ {;:,';,':',§‘,’*..?¢“,‘§,‘,~;-'- - l 2'uI'}'k:1‘:}’1f[Hl|¢Vl;.l3‘-'4 NI) \l.1rkI". st-utol \‘ ' . ‘A l‘ I -- X; n l ‘ Scarcity of Labor Also Binders In-1 Shes-{i and own; nciiorr.-at ’ j _. 3 pi.‘ \-K ‘- -. _. _ - 3; -_ prorement Says 1.. D. Bchobe. ’ 1-I'D" 31'-’~ 3"‘ '5 ' ‘ - ' " ‘ '“ 1.. l (‘armors lllld Putters 83.m(iS-.‘-..'-0. only one mile of the road work; __ __ _y_____. _L alias been completed on the proposed ‘improvement of the State Highway toward itocheport. It was planed tol 'tr.nlte a Tarvia roadway running three .. - ' miles west oi’ Columbia and four miles _ . us - -cast The mile that has been im- fproved was made tour ieet wider than ‘lb? old road and was built at a cost for 312.500. . -O ...t 4 ‘r >. . . o. [If y 1 . _ . u_.’ ‘ . 1.: r . '. . 7. if.‘ F r’ . ' _‘,‘ - 3 ,r r_ _ ._ «I‘_ e_ . -14. _ _-v .' .1 . .. . -i .. _7 I -.., .o . . . _ The work has been delayed for . . . . - I’ f l t . .’ ' . - s . a -‘ 1 - ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ . g°:;;m .:.':::":: :..:“;: “.11.. :::.::':::':. 12:2. .~.iuw<><-.~x masts -iw Tb ml C°;"g;b'=-‘°‘ . ' Tl 5 ilhis tail because of luck or money in‘ 3I:_“_m1 Qcrgt Strict“, Rcg_ B“gl“°n 93’ 5b3 ¢°P"‘8’ Toasters :1’: iota land to cart? :1; iii‘... tiorlni ‘ - ‘wear for Women. The Styles 1. r no er rtsota t t . ~ . . ;*__; Smooth Irons being held up olficcoum 0' [hi icinfl. lIl..ll‘-I. hatlur Blouse Suit for arc Regulamm Gowns’ Pa- V Vacuum Cleaners n.vut1abor.nccord:'ngtu L.D. schobe. :<.»i..,..1 Md Buqjncss wcar, jamas, Pajunions and Pajun- 1 £55 C. h a ‘N h ‘superintendent of the Columbia road. ‘ ‘ . ‘ *- 0! es as ets ftlistrict. He said there was one ex-'. N.‘~\'\ lllut‘. Culurs Al3S()lUtC- cues’ Extra heavy flannel’ l*tC—EtC. 'tra team in the barns now that’ ‘ c[(c_ Kladc much fullcr and ‘should be used on the road. as l.h‘.!}‘_ ‘are in bad condition; but so far he ‘-i:_ad been unable to hire a driver. 1‘ """' Sizes mm 22' longer than the ordinary Prices $24.75, $29.50, $35. sleeping garment. ., , ‘ ‘ You‘ll get real service and 5PI"('IAL satisfaction out of these Um. Lot Crepe Georgette splendid garments for winter Blouses in \Vhitc Flesh and wcar‘ - lil.___ -.—___ . _-,_ _ _ THIS VVEEK “ “Say It With Flowers To help you say it: with flowers this week, we will make you very attractive prices. The Big Chrysanthemunis , We llaVC.bC€.i'l selling for $4, $5, $10 and 312 per dozen, we will make you for $1.50 and up. Come in and , see the big display of flowers in our store. A great opportunity to send a._-box of floyvers home to mother . p or sweetheart. Fhis big opportunity will last only as long as the flowet's.il,aostI _A f_cw.,{i_ic_e _ Come and get them while they last. Sale Started Tuesday. . . 5 l‘ ‘ ‘Q ' ‘"1’ V Phone 366 T ' o . ‘t-,-v _9a~'#s' .;y: "'r....w _qs.‘f. . , ,— ' < - I ‘ ." .§ -' ...__- . - .. .-‘ ’ t...= ' ' 0“ ’ '."*~--~ ' . 3 ' T . 2' ‘ ~ ‘ -1 .