L | i -. vn-our 4-on-s--Q... _ ..¢«———-O-nu. . g-—-4... YW .« ~ t ~ .'_,$.,"’_-' Q.‘ .. T. 3 ‘ t F. W. A. Vesper. who spoke at the Commercial Club dinner last night. returned to St. Louis this morning. Thompson and Mrs. L. D. Bhobe went to Centraiia today to attend the funeral of Dr. A. H. Cox. Mrs. E. I. Crocltett went to New London ‘today to visit her trendin- ther. O. E. Mayhall. Miss Maiaie Hulver went to Okla- homa City and Tulsa today to visit friends. Mrs. C. H. Geery went to .\ioberly today to attend the funeral of her cousin. Roy hlcnaniel, a-former stu- dent of the University. L Rector returned to Kansas City today after visiting his father. G. W. Rector Hinton. Air. and Mrs. J. J. Phillips went to Centraiia today to attend the funeral of Dr. A. H. Con Mrs. R. Green went to Centre- lis today on business. C a h a D. Matthews went to St. Louie today on business. \ Lira. F. H. I-ienninger went to Cen- traiia today to meet her nephew Joe Hays of Highland. N. C. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stillman arrived d in Columbia Sunday from Demopolis. Ala. They expect to make their home in Columbia. R. E. Thurston went to Sturgeon today on business. Mrs. J. M. Martin returned to her at Keytesviile after visiting friends. , Russell Holloway went to (‘entrails today on business. Mrs. J. P. Philippi went to Sturgeon today to visit relatives. F‘. G. China of Jetrerson City, who has been conducting business in Co- lumbia the past week. left yesterday afternoon for Moberly. Mrs J. H. ng of Kansas City, who has been visiting her aunt, Bars. '1'. 8. Lousdale at‘ Columbia. returned to her home yesterday afternoon. Mrs. ‘Robert Fraser of Browns, who has been visiting friends in Columbia. has been visiting her sister. Miss Tes- sie Wolfe. a st‘u.’.eut in Christian Col- -lege. the past week. returned to her home yesterday afternoon. .\irs. Harry Keene left yesterday to spend the week with her mother at Stephens, llo. W. B. Palmer left yesterday after- noon tor Mex co- . - Baker went to Montgotnery City yesterday to attend the funeral of his father-inlaw. i. P. Shackle- ford. Miss Alpha Elses of Monroe City. who has been visiting friends In Co- lumbia this week. returned to her home yesterday. E. Martin of Kansas City. who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. L. R. Martin. returned to his home yes- terday atteruoou. Roy 1‘. Davis, secretary of Stephens College. went to Macon and Moberly yesterday on business for the college. FRANCE KEPT WOELD'8'SPlRIT j Deeiasr Watson Tells of leaning of the French Stand. Having served as rector the America Church in Paris for seven years. including the war period. has made Dr. 8. N. Whtson fully convers- ant with the subject of his address. "France and Her llsaning." given in the University Auditorium last night _ action. could not yield to material Prussia. Doctor W'atson's address was full tions with high government officials and ‘scholars of France. President Poincare tell that France was not un- derstood in America and asked Doc- tor Watson to present her case to the people of this country. SEES QUEEN ELIZABETK Former I. U. Girl Showed Ber Through Hospital. Miss Benta Whitaker. a student in the University from 1918 to 1915. now superintendent of nurses in Barnes Hospital of Wlashington University. St. Louis. escorted Queen Elizabeth or Belgium through the hospital when the king and queen were in St. Louis last week. ‘In a letter to her moth- er. hire. 8. Whitaker, 403 Christian College avenue. Miss Whitaker de- scribed the queen: "She is very tiny: not pretty. but the dam eat of dainty persons, and light brown hair and very light blue eyes. She was most .gracioue. but __. {_¢— i g...-—_. ,g._. ._4_— ...___. .. 06lInaci._ full etsparhilag news . ~ Moore. Edd kept asking questions we couldn‘t un- of the executive board will be tilled. it is the plan of the organization to have a speaker at every meeting to Christian democracy. ‘ibis rogram will be announced at the meeting Wednesday. - club now.’ Last t it was dis- cussed whether or not Short Course men and vocational men should’ the allowed to belong. John U. Morris is president of the club. Wednesday and (‘he Letterl. Unclaimed letters for the following were in the postoifice October 27, 19. Bergmann. Paul Boyd. John B. Currier, Elizabeth Holman. Helen Ruth Hick. Fred Morrison. Ralph J. no... wuum Montgomery. J. 0. Northcntt. Thursday Specials Illlllllll llllIllIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIllllllllllilllllllllllllIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllfilllfilIIIIIIIIIIIIII 15¢: Plato Ileana. 2 cans __...85c Fancy Picnic Hams __...__ 18¢ Pill Salmon. per an ..... .- White Vinegar. per gallon Good Bacon, per pound -.._..40c Corn Flake!-. per box ............l0e Spotless Cleaier. per can ’ Try Nueoa. it's due, per I Give us a trial order.’ convince you we can save you money. We deliver FREE twice a day. ' tWAEASH WT * ‘ “T t 7 ’ 3 , D I ‘ - O - ‘ ‘ _ L crmm » ussvsxiseunseuans. oewnu-.lIsooll.IVID1llIlI1!.Oc!I>IBD»eI0l|~ 1 L ‘ w pa: ‘ta-.aut Human: Assembly ‘or so rn.xcnm'u1t . .’ nascent’ or may Jnness_;___oaess1sa hm T. mm M ntflucs-s-is-m.«;nfl_w u ‘u tuna“; 8": - [ ‘NOTES 1°*§§='°°‘l"’“;',._,,_,,,_,.,,,,,, nr.a.w.*!iIwIcassnuuwnnsns~!51°"°"°”’°°*-liflllcfili Iloberlr. hawilldowottincll C ‘ ” ...v.s.¢a.rpne.ssuao"wou1snot Illllll-Wllfir-In 9'" UP°'l'“*'“'|- , wtl'e_jintue¢sottheGreatsr8tephuns 1 — Ltsaie Ulerbsck rswntd *0 5.3., the ‘Canaan of the “I'M notilztmofuthi Christi-I Thirty-ilve members or the ntoesoousas Hewlil later no h“fl."" ‘ this same unit! 0‘ “u°“‘l °°"' Y."'c'A’. ‘mmoflnm um "mu d-r:w up a constitution which will ‘.“"°“"' ha” "“"-"""° cam’ an-s. Bus Shannon returned to‘ her "ad ,0 an “ma 0; 7.15 oclock. Flour seven-minute . is the out of next week. - . flu ‘claw’ ‘nu’ ' ‘I...’-..ch. '1“ 5. ma‘ be sent out to the other four ;' . "°"" ‘-3 ‘M " F‘m'°'~ D°°‘°’ """°“ "“' "‘ °" ' .. which recently competed in 0! vs 5.. 7.. 5., of I/14 t m‘ 3"’ " “M 91”" much ofour own national re-birth. 69" ‘- W‘ T"l°' ‘in '9.“ 3.. stock iudtiha contest at Des ' ’_T"..,,‘g..'ua,..m tn. or 3“ ' flrs..‘fl.,.8.'— Dorsey went to Fulton Doctor Watson read at lanta‘ from amfinn D-‘Dene’... . ll “ch 0‘ m gr! 1 pg-ggigent Charles A. Ellwood. '-no Pundamenv TM ’ °”° 0“ and Science who have not nnvioulr MI.“ “W “O wefllint 0‘ ml. unpublished .999‘:-h 0 ._ ‘chxu to draw up ‘ conlutnuon ‘or “M w W ' Y G H ‘mm Rink’ Ramona “haunt; d“.mp'.,;.?,.° mug: ‘ubéanngtdltg lggllluiamfln w!i)llmIocD¢lkncydd a national Block and Bridle Club and 5. 31", .; 9,90.-mug to do .0 when our 0 M .3 e a s p.u"un"'. ‘.3; §'i¥'.§lon".'ia.d§"t§"II: 3.73: .1... ms.» um v~r...a.....n -intern-new cm-um -1 3-00“ 3;, . W 31:3‘!-eggct 1;; ~ Drwmn s _ . h ‘h ‘ c‘rn‘uon 0‘ “cf. ‘ad Dem wdut mu". '1" O 88 :3,‘ D?°L'§d%'::,,£ ::';.,(;:1r°m°.°hn,' :13: :2: l"reane‘e. talk on "Phases of Social Christian :1: “M m 5°‘; 01 form I °°mvI'°- DR 1 8' LE C/zevmn: 0 ° ' . _ Dem no 0 con‘ at _ . . . ‘ mu mum mm. M “mm tui " mclnhennpouol 3l:et::‘ o.‘.’°3..°’£:.. A. nu ' man The 3'0“ “*4 9'““° 01“ i' ‘D 0" ~ - 5'" UR. ‘Cut to Chlto I. to‘ of .nd°p°ndence'vo of me exxuthe xmm . ‘Inmuon of Utudfinu In tab‘ Col‘ ' H o , “n°°“' Tum“ ml!” to mm her explained that the French ideal of unit a draft of a constitution at e “'9 °f A3“°“"""'° ‘"'° “'9 ”"’°"°“' ' ' E eflfilflgtr 5 '“""““"' "“°'“" "" ""' ‘m’ S‘ the bes'utiful implied freedom of im- business session. Vacancies in the “I in “NW '""‘?“d"Y- '"=°'° 1' "5 "“l¢“ 3'40 75°" ‘93 W. Wkitht. W1“ ma “anion Fume cm“, 0, Drama“ “"3 "0 memnré nd set number to the members or the .v _ Ro1‘1NsoN 8)’ BOSWELL 100 7-9 Broadway Yes, Madame, every kind and dis- cription awaits your selection at Blanket Sale See our counters laden with warm wool and ‘cotton blankets and re- plenisb your beds with them. The very thing for that sleeping porch of yours. Also outing flan- nel for warm "nightics."” A __ Taylor. K N. defifmlmer was a member of the Walton’ wmmm I:es;erHALL an H. To.“ 8'. P‘; 889 receiving group for the queen. Pmtmgun , illlilllllllllllIllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllIIIllliillillllllllllllilIllllillllllll'-- . ' ° > g CORDOVAN SH OBS .5’ Do You Write Home. 5 5' . § FOR PARTICULAR We have a full line of § DRESSERS ' §. § ' Ea § _ Cordovan is a peculiar leather; El , § it is most worn by men who are =l 8°‘ st‘"°"°"7 § particular to .get the very best in g Pmmd P‘P°.' § their apparel. ; §_"l',ku E 8 g .~. To say that Cordovan wear: for 3 5u,f°,d-, Ink, 3 ever. would be an exaggeration; § ‘ma the § but it is true that the longer Cor- 2 puke, pounhjn pun § dovan wears, the better it looks. 3 E ’ We have fine Shell Cordovan § ' shoes for men and for young men The Vining. Phumnq .2 t “ A - § g1_o9 3 9m St. Phone 724 § $13.50 to $17.50 g = = Q E Just received a New all Cordo- § :5? van Bal from French Shrintr 5 § and Urner, that's a beauty---the g g price $17.50 plus war tax. Ask § § to see this shoe. g ’=" E E Yes we carry Wool Hose. § i E 2 :3 -~ E Features“For’ The Children _ rue‘. EVENING - Mtssouuum I e \ should two = ‘.3; .3,‘ flu... ,0. ho, _ . _. ~ . -' ' I _‘ -' ‘ _- -. ~ . _. , _ ‘_I_’‘ 4 ‘ d l ' fin tfl'la!9fliQIIilIflCI.B_lVI¢ and natieaai—v i , Q o~ _ A. :7 ' ‘ .. ‘ ,.;- ‘-.‘~.l\ "-1: . Hlflsotlglaflolera you more real news than ' . ' . , L. .. ., . 4 ' I _‘ 1 W, F - .5. . ~ -1 _ - e .: ‘ ‘ /ll . “ ‘ r “" ' “‘ » .’ 7’ ' ' . othernswssaoauefareatsr balk. You get u._ _ . __ T. .2 , ” A. _(;l to, _...g ,e I K A, , in 3 ,l, ,p‘.. [I 3‘. __ p ‘ ~ _ \ " A - . V 4 . : - V .’ '-C A .1 “'°"“" *rUIl,hsrnuui-srssaicssn. '* . ~ -:.. lg . ; .. ..e.’./"' ‘ .2, -- ]_r- 4‘._ ' ' ‘T . _ , - V..- i V- . e V‘ .._-- V - *— -. ' V w W _ _ ; .’,__~.s- -K-I. __/‘_..V usual-0-L E .‘%’I~ V ..: A.‘ 5 I . _ ' » _* ~=~ ,- '. -5" .~ ' _ I fig‘ “ ‘ ‘ _- -. .' ,_ ~ _ ._ . - - ' — x: s 2 ~ -. - ..,-.-v:~-r~~':c l * - ‘l ‘ .. V‘ ~r;-4‘ . :2-» ‘s .-.1; " == -- *‘~_‘ ‘ ‘ ._ “ - " 9. - . -_ - "’ ' _ . ‘ fir" :~-'b,:‘.‘_. _‘,_ 1}‘ or _ .-".f?.L’___ : -._ ‘ ; ‘ ' ssvs YOU stussout-ma ‘QR’ e 1. . ~ .~ - . .‘ _ "_ V __ “.:v. ; . .1 V ', spy. - .‘-_ " >- , - ‘ . 4 l. .> ~ 50 . » ~- -~ .. .. .. =.‘:~ vv 1 H — ‘., .» ' . : . ‘ A ' I‘ -- ' 3 .v_ ‘-f . ..., I, .. y _ , _- ‘ - ‘ " ' H 34:‘ '--'.'-*.s—.."~": 1 ‘ ' I T ?_ 2. > Q '. ‘_"\. ‘> ( ‘ - ‘ _ -_ I;-. 9‘ -I . _.r‘§’. 50- _.:.‘Vp.¥'. H, ‘.-l:: J . ‘ »-T 5 - .. -7- ' _' ' -u':.- ‘ '1 _ - x_ ; 7 . (I _. 2.?’ ix; 3‘ .-V . -,T._ ._ ~.-i "71": 5 ‘INN We are the largcstclistributors oi Stetson- Hats in Central Missouri up can be worn inlthree difiereot ways and isleo small and-9c} y e-ax -yeipginmonrepoctagc su.a.e....a..i.... Vv’ ' P. {HEADQUARTERS ' for . _ FALL s wmre flEADGEAR-~ Stetson ~ ” I Borssiino and Barth‘ Special HATS And—in gtlditiog to bats we ‘are. showipg the tip knit cap... fo§'.3,l.0ii,. % Vi,‘ Q flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllluk V-rv E"‘-"‘»"'i‘f'0l'I"-‘_V¢.V"fl""~".'f-' ".‘i'*V=."?."_“"9__ . -'4