; Q‘ C. (. . z,')_ , ‘I .p.\v .....,, ' ‘~¢as ~‘<-s.-s. _ r”E ,5 E F E v ‘*- 4‘. «' L - _ .,. .t~"3. ‘ . ,_ . T _. J. -' la‘ . Y ‘ a p I. ‘I ii. I r ;.‘iiiliLEll[ll cnmul i . Most Distinguished in Serv- \ ‘xmwt, “ gnu; meeting which will be held at: ’-‘HNW5 °f Lb“ C’°'umbia “Kb 3 sitate unpacking all the records. ' "jfidlool Monday evening. On the same '.{I l A d E " -xgfiuitnesses ‘3j_‘fi.-ihanee it was neceasary_to await estate was left to Lira. Elisa J. "'E.rnaa, the widow. to he left by her r“' l‘ .j_'. ‘ ' ~"':».;rtsso em 2:. \ -.~... 4, ,i§ r .17 ",5." . _. 1'. 7' _'.“ _____. ‘ .‘. ' ‘-._ _ ..,..’. .‘ MISSOUI V .. _. a.-_ g. . . . — _ . ,“ = " -1 --. . .. . - ‘ . . ~- "". - 4- . 7 ' . ..~.-~ ,.».. ~ .... . . _-. - v p , ".. > . _ V’ .- , -- -ELEVENTH YEAR ~ COLUMBIA. MISSOURI, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 30, l9l9. NUMBER 309 ill AHHIVE Tlllillllll ice Will Give 4-Day . Demonstration. WILL LIVE IN TENTS Trucks Were Delayed by Bad Roads Near Har- risburg. The Twelfth Balloon Company. M0- the most distinguished 3 For Oalcmhla and Vlelaityt nu tonight and Sunday. te- Qalrn but L was wstnrln I-‘or hllanourl. Pair tonight and Sun- day. -Slightly cooler tonight. Co lthna. The weather continues somewhat on- settled in mos o luasiasippi and Ohio Valleys. and lower region. Dur- inl he past ta-enty-four hours sbowe southern an eastern one of lliasonri. and the southern At 7 a. In. this morning rain in the upper Ohio Valley and 0 P97’ pit‘! lower Lake - A high preasnre wave. attended by clear coo vreathe the Northwest. It will dominate the lower Missouri section during the following twenty-four hours. and leasant weather will prevail in Co- lumbs over 8un sy. Columbia the writ lnal inn 0.00 A year re-rnfurv I’!!! ; ‘rwrinltstlotl . The highest temperature ny was I was IL’. Pr:-r-p nun yesterday the hltthes HI and the lowest true in lo :3 S3 -0 arrive in Columbia tonight to give a _ Ibur-day demonstration. The 3': ‘ cfungttt-r tiniennl |i‘ ru.‘yo-‘ster;luy:"r‘lr,v , _ on -. ; wet In -. T : I'I‘lII re sum: ts-, true a the winch the tebicle ' M [M W” __ m I My um mi‘ which carries the balloon were held e um lull-. «L1; l't’l:ti|\t huuildit)‘. 99 per cm»: ‘U! ro t l _v . tn. n in up this afternoon near Harrisburg b\ I 733 P “mm"‘_:‘_" mm P’ m had roads due to the recent ins _ .3. .m.. 1-,“, _n I ii In . . . . . . . . _ -- il. in . . _ . . . . . . -_n Capt. A. C. of the company S n m'__-__W (7 H I. ma __-____‘,‘ ii a. m ......... "66 r.uon_--_..-.-_. air The men in the organisation will live in pup tents the four days they spend in olutnbia on the vacant just north of the Parker Furniture Com 5'. The exhibitions will also be given on this lot. The company was in the St. .\iihiel and Argonne drives and received five citations. The company lost three men during the drives. and the wing. composed of four companies, lost an‘ average of a bnllocm a ‘day for al mo Two men from the Twelfth Com any were taken prisoners, but! were later recovered. e ompa yi e United States three; months ago. I There are at present fifty-three men the organization. Its authorized strength is ‘-200 men. averaged one enlistment a day or some time. ‘Rte balloon is a French Caron mod-I el. n account of a lack of 385 here no nights will be made. bbt the bag will u a w a r. Other things to be exhibited are: balloon instru- ments. parachutes. balloon windlaee. field radio and telephone sets. ma- chine guns and a truck train. Persons will be allowed to see the exhibits‘ any time during the day. A set of films showing balloons in its destruction by a rplane.! ‘the escape of the observers in para- chutes and then the destruction of the German airplane and the capture of the German pilot by Americans. P These pictures were taken on the‘ front under fire, and ' l I are said to be; the best one; ever obtained by United‘; States motion picture photographers bf this branch of service. An officer. of the Twelfth Company will lecturei on the various scenes of the pictures; The company left Fort Omaha. .\'eh._' on its two-month tour of .\ii'ssouri. Iowa and Nebraska Auzust I. The I arrived here in his motor car last . ht. ‘Employee refuse to disclose the name lot the head of the union. gmlsl FIGHT LEAGUE on Al FAETUHY? Rcportc’d Tfhat Hamilton- Brown I-.‘mplo‘vcs VVill Vi’alk Out Kbonday. Emplogms of the Hamilton-Brown‘ Shoe Factory are planning to call al strike .\ionda,\'. according to state-E monts made by some of them. § was stated that a secret union] been formed which has not yet.’ aifillated itself with any national or-. zsnization. Every member of the fac- ‘ tory is said no belong to it and to bel ready to walk out if the strike is. called. inquiring at the factory office brought the reply that W. H. Brasel-I ton, the manager. was out of town] Demand for Documcnt's Re- jection Presented to Sen- ate Committee. .a-:—.——— I tions. speakers representing lri.-sh or ganizatlons and , scent in America today presented to’ the foreign rdatjons committee lrishl pleas for independence. I I d . mg the rejection of the League of .\'a-l i 0 persons of lrish de- Justice Daniel (‘ohalan of .\'e-W York ~ declared that England would gain sucn control of the seas under the. League covenant that she would .-stifle American commerce He condemned? Arti le lfl. saying that it would pre-' vnnl any nation point: to the all of Ireland . Frank I‘. Walsh nl'Ir-l'0i'l in giv» lht-' organization gate its most recent , demonstration at \ioberl\ when» it °"mm””"‘ "“”h” f”"“‘- “'m“h ‘E for fly“. daw‘ ' "made. public would produce t'~mQtar- rassme-nt in some Kcztllenion " A heavy wind caused tho» his: hat: '0 pull loose from its in.-tenint's at .\l:1rjr'- ville recently and turn OYCT several automobiles and carry a Ford car in were two passengers nearly. across a field. ‘ IRS. MOSS TO TALK T0.\'lG}iT ———-L—_ (lfher Speaker»: for New S4-worst?!‘ System Will Speak Tomorrow. . Hrs. W’. L. St. (‘lair-liioss will speak; tonight at the Hall Theater in behalf] of Columbia's proposed sewerage sys-, llayor James Gordon and N. T. Ge night, while Boyle Clark and J [1_ L Collier will speak at the other} ’ Chen. 3 precede the l d I ffught prominent Columbia men will . . the colored voters at the ' i’-‘red . ‘Douglass School why they should vote ‘pr the $128,000 bond issue. . BARNES WILL 18 PBOBATED “missus in Army or_oeenpsuos Ileld _«. ‘I. Until Return. .. '9 The will of moses names. who died : .u;{ winter, wua or-obated by Judgel $.11; Us-.. morning. One 0 the will. R. c. Smith. 8 Yfienae of sending a commission 1;. ||, Bat-pea, a son. A daughter. ' and two sons. Frank and , , IL Barnes, received 81 each {revisions of the will. ron_soon.naatso Iashasallseilfvealloaths - I lie was mid to give tho.--lnfnrmatr-.'l willl the understanding that all would he made public. . i*r:xsitls}3“itlttr?.~'7Es* T0 TESTIFI’. Typical Eramplr;-of_War llepartmt-nt's ‘I lndl erenee. Says Bland. 1 11-109. 30, «General Pershing‘ refused to testify before the congres:-I sional committee inquiry into the Am- _ cricnn war expenditures in France. I 1'-‘oliowing Pt-rshing's refusal to tes- 5 essmsn Bland. chairman of difference and contempt for the peo-'1 le. . Replying to Bland. Pershing said he-.' had no desire to conceal the records} of the American Expeditionary Fore-’ home it was physically ll'D‘p06SlblC to: disclose the records. It would neces- ..:_:....— rusrorficrz sromtrru Bi’ MOB Troops Slop Telegraph and Telephone! ._ rviee In Bavaria. By United Press. ‘I BERLIN. Aux. 30.—Armed with re- volvers and hand grenades a mob in! |Ltidwigsbuven. Bavaria. stormed the’ postotflce today and several persons present were killed in the fight. Lat-| er troops occupied the postoifice and; stopped the telegraph and telephone } service. REPORTS BEVOLT IN BUDAPEST’ Dispatch From Amsterdam Says New Revolution Began. 8) United Press. LONDON. Aug. 8G.—-A new revolu- tion in Budapest was reported today in a dispatch received here from Am- sterdatn. ' OPERING ASSEIBLI ‘l‘0!i'lGlI'l' President A. Boss lllll Will Address the Students. ‘nae opening convocation of the fall term at the University will be held at 7:80 o'clock ton I. t Ross Bill will address the students. meeting will be’ held in the .1; The University Auditorium. , collected roan lllliiilllilllii 1 TRANSPORT SIHIKES Report of Condition in Eng- lish Harbors Being Investigated. MAY sT6F—"Exl>oRTs Vi’. B. Calvert Says Imme- diate Action VVould Low- er Food Prices. By RALPIHI COUCH (United Press stall’ Correspondent! \VASHI.\'G'I‘0.\'. Aug. 30.-Odicials PHUBEEM [IE Hllllll l SHIJHIAGE IS SULVED Columbia R-Ed-guts List 50 Rooms W'ith the Commer- cial Club. - HOUSE 156:? WOMEN Y. IV. C. A. VVill Establish Home for Girls on South Seventh Street. The problem of finding rooms for students of the Fniversity has appar- ently been solved. here today were investigating the re- port that big shipments of American food were rotting in the harbors of England because of strikes of trans- port workers. Attorney-General Ptumer today awaited action of Congress on his pro- posed smendments to the Lever Food Control Bill which provide iall sen- tenc . He urged sp red)‘ action on this bill to all representatives and officials who called on him. He said the Depart- ment of Justice has forced dealers to mark down their prices, but to make their power more effective they must be equipped with the amendments to the Lever bi District attorneys in all big cities are expec 0 watch all dealers to make sure of the benefits in the reduc tion of wholesale prices. “Should Quit Exporting Food." ‘ Press. Aug. 30.—Suspen- sion of exports of food stuffs or reg- ulating them by government license would lower the cost of living .n the ninety-day period designated by labor in the opinior. of W. B. Calvert. chair- man of the food commission. in an interview with the United Press be ex- plained he was giving his own view. not the ollicial views of I. e commis- on. "No single cause for high cost of living exists in this country." he said. "This is the only nation that permits foodstuffs to be used as poker chips. ‘°Profiteers and speculators in food represent no useful service. if ex- porting of foodstuifs was prohibited the prices would be reduced. "The American people may be long suflering and patient in sharing their food with the people across the sea. but they are not patient if this ex- portation is the foundation of the high prices. If any food is sent away not in response to the need of the people over there. but for the purpose of reducing the supply in,order to stead)’ prices or increase the cost of living this should be stopped." 1-'lliL.\‘ TAG lNi'0)ll.\i£ T|iI'.\‘K.\’ Fli‘u~en Hundred llitlllltlons (So by I-Ixprhss Wagon. I-‘rviah! men at '.h.- Wallash and .\l. ’. A- T «icpots 3.1-st»-rdnx We're l-ur prised at swing ht*\t'I"Z1l l':ltu-r~.1t lzlrls going ihruugh the pile:-' ul trunks. The girls were putting tans m: t’'\‘ cry trunk :uviting the owners a’- tend the meeting cf the Baptist Young People's Union at the Baptist Fhurch. \\’aui:h street and Broadway. at ‘.' o'clock tomorrow night. I-Eight bur.- dred trunks were tagged vos1erdu_v in and the number was brought to about‘ fifteen hundred today. A special program of l'9adlf1}.'.3 and music been prepared for tumor- row night. HAS I.\'S|G.\'lA OF ‘£3 l'.\'I'l‘.\' i‘ollected Them Prom lilflerent Reci- menls in Four Years. KANSAS CITY. Auit. 30. -Twent_v- three different lginds of inslgnza pin- ned on A black heft are the valued possession of W Vunnlnghsm. years as an operator Will] the Thirteenth Light iiallway (‘nrnpanv The insignia include that of every ‘fighting organization in Canada and .‘some of the British units Among them is the Black Watch of Scotland and the nuns. probably the oldest reg- iment in existence today. Columbiw residents who never rent- ed rooms before have opened up their homes to incoming University stu- .dents the last twenty-four hours. The action is in response to publicity giv- en the lnrge demand for rooms due to increased enrollment. Vt’. W. Garth. secretary oi’ the Com- mercial Club. said this morning that fifty rooms had been listed with him for students since yesterday. This is ’ to the published appeal of the club. Most of these rooms are north of Brosdwav and most of them are for men students. However. a few rooms for girls in good homes are among those available. All of then: are five or six blocks from the Univer- . sity. l (‘onununity House for Girls. The Y. M1 0. A of the ilnlvc-rally, to lcided to establish a communtv house lon South Seventh street. The house [belongs to Dr. c. M. Sneed, who has voffererl to rent it for $50 a month. I The house has fourteen rooms A 'woman has been obtained by the Y :‘\V. C. A. who will provide the furni- .ture and act as chaperon withoul 3 isalary. ’ The place cannot be opened. how- lrootns there. There are more than {six girls considering it now, but none ‘lhasas yet decided. If that number ‘takes the house. the average cost per month. including light and fuel, will {be about 812. it is estimated. Doctor ‘Sneed said he would not ask for the |ilrsi: montlrs rent . Plan Is Well Supported. Miss ha Johnston, adviser of wom- en, r. B. F’. Romnan. the Y. W. C. A- and'the I7niverslty will back such it holds. I Allneeting was held at 5 o'clock in . arrange more rooms_for girls. has de-3 'ever. unless at least six girls will take 'rtn.s'r mvistos ssuusa non reseatatlves of America's Famous (‘omht Unit Land Tomorrow. By United Preaa NEW YORK. Aug. 30.-America's famous combat unit. the First Divi- sion. first to fight. first to suffer cas- ualties. and arst ptmch of the Yankee battering ram against the Germans. is nearing the shadow of the home land after an absence of twenty-seven. months. The vanguard with representatives of every unit will arrive on the Pre- toria tomorrow. A‘f'I‘ElP'l“b'EW GERIIAN REVOLT iipartacaaa Pass Besolntiea Asking ONLY PHESIIIEII Elli AVEHI STEEL STRIKE Wilson May Intervene If Steel Workers Persist in lans. CRISIS TI-IREATENED Judge I.ov-e't—t-‘-8-ays Plumb Plan Would Russianizc America. BULLETIN f Support of Proletarlat. ;lly Fnlted Press. LONDON. Aug. 30.—Dispatches from‘ ;Berlin state that a movement to fo- zment a revolt against the German go\'- ,' ernment has been launched by the‘ ;Sparutcans. who staged ilfty meetings’ lattended by more than a thousand persons. I Resolutions were passed asking the ‘proletariat to join with the Sparta- cans against the government. I !ElHOLLMWK2,53l 700 or 300 I—.;tc——Registrations I:Ixpccted—M a_v Reach . Record. l I i I tlimroliment in the L'niverslty for ‘yesterday and today totaled 2.531. A-slie owan secretary to Presi-I dent Hill, said this afternoon that he: expected between 200 an 300 late‘ 1 registration next week. .case this year's m e the largest: enrollment in the history of the Phi ]versi't_\'. = ! The school year 1915-16 has beldl 'the record for enrollment. In the (all! «j r 1915 there were 2739 students: mi .1916 there were 2.643; im 1917 were 2.061. and in 1918 there werel 2.343. ! Eighty classes in the college of Anal ’and Science were closed before noonl ltoda-, hut arrangements were made ‘later for additional sections in those ' ours s. 7- l I l I ’. i l gflvidcncc Shotved Robin! E Cooper Had Been Mur- l dercd by Stranger. If that is the 1 ‘km’: By FRH) S. FERGUSON (Felted Press Staff Correspondent) Gum that the executive session decided the federation should Lalte no stand at this time with regard to the Plumb lan 1) ' 0 He said a subcommittee had been created to study the facts and to ob- tain advice from all who would be willing to give information with re- gard to the pint. BY l-‘RED S. FERGUSON il‘~nite