AA; -_'x ’ TAX (‘AFSBS LABOR BHORTAGE Mexican Laborer-n lust Pay 38 to 3.. turn to C’. S. LAREDO_ 'I‘ex.. Aug. 6.—-Inability to secure 88 is keeplnx many Mexican la- borers trom jobs that literally Irg be- fore their e)‘es—and intndentally causing a farm labor shortage or; the ranches oi the Rio Grande Valley that is the worst in years. J Since passage of the draft laws. when thousands of .\texi.ca.n laborers avoid military service. cheap isthm- has been at a premium throughout the Texas cotton belt and in truck farms and construction camps. With the War over, employ-en, 1m- medlutely took steps to secure return of the .\lex.rnns. but the United States lnintizrnilntt Service refused to lift its hint and must :-‘r-rluute problem confronting the .\lt‘II('.‘4IJ WIN) wam.-t to ramp bar]; 1:: rm HM job In America Eight dul- Iars in thr uieraxv .\iexu_-at: labor:-s In )i"1'(‘l" is as much as eight thn-.1 and lie hasn't that much and [Ito-{'13 is nu is ii)’ to gel It. surlt H 0}‘ .-I'l>2( Lu. ELM 'l‘ltt.\ I 'l‘-- IIIF *.’I'AI.II‘|II|' \'H‘l'l~II{.\' ttl' Tlll; IITY Hi‘ «Itl.l'&iiilA_ .\iI.~Ls‘HI‘ltl \ ..u urv lwru-9-y 1|~I(lflD'~1 [3 ; - _., . .. L,‘ ' .A.' of .' 1 ii‘ : .'li0‘ ' it‘ ‘.''”'|' U’ ‘:1 lit I-I‘ ht-'1 ~ " ' - in ' . . " ‘ *9‘ H! !u'- .1 . r.’'- '-r Fell’, ‘.II\' N’ ‘.UlUlJ|'l1jI, \‘:\I|--_Ifl‘ \ .-vtr .«.;.‘ itn«i«-2.1»-ltwu in ttw sum .4 ;t_-_ union and tn sue’ l~~tztle- n! will 4')” I. K said ;amo-1:11! 7".’ lhr |Hl!‘]».nu- of c-x:n-u.1t;;_- ttw ;’|I"!’~’o'Ill put-llv -u-tn-r \_\‘-110111 of .31.: ()1) .~1r,.~) -~~:a~it'ti~lltt.; so-uzt-,:u .l1..;..-up-.1 - I‘. -.'. --' ~ -nltl. I‘:-~ ‘-t'.l«'~ 1- ’.-v‘ I!, . _'fii -.t;:1r1r lilolg I'll-at.-' .\I ‘.".~.' I--I2 .~'_\l.E \'.~'r-HI “HI 'I'‘' II 1 Of!) H't'.iI'I,‘ 1".‘ I.lIIl:]l‘ 12.‘!-‘ 12"‘! “. ‘-:"‘“ El llh’I‘l.>vll i’u:n.:urv'. =11‘ I“ .,, ‘lg; rt to-r vlo‘-L. rlillla WIIIII t..».:. 3,1,. .t..,;r. -the-r ut-04:1? t" V fifitl ' '.lu:..'- ‘ill .1 ll |‘;tnI;.l..-II. 2:03 .’~'-_-dih ~.\ii. « .-.»t ‘ -"‘ lvrlt .~‘Al.iZ fin re»--in hour-on tnu-I«‘>’H 0" I it B.'«ortd\\!l,'>‘- ~l"-‘W "‘ it ‘_'\n’.l! I ~ l"'Il *.\I.E o-1 v.5-':.Y .t«I‘ 0 ;I liI~.I' I-N’t’- H I"hu- r ,:P..' K 5-‘rt-Q: “Ids-Ilifl. 0 1'4. F\l,i~I l'.r--an l4r'un--~|- 1‘!I'-' Nib (' _ Is '.'. i'n'.' 3) « I rested. l’o'fI’lL't‘YB |‘:‘v-:7 -' ,. t ,9! . I ,. .t ‘ 1 L,.,-,-..ul').Ap .'K’9 A’ N.‘ .l l ..P. .. will JUL‘ " i * ll.-Vin’ .".I'- 1‘ I-“cl! ‘ Putt ~;u.t; on mix"; -Two m.~.- huncn <«l~ " lb!’ 1 .. .,...g,~, mi.» 0! Columbia t‘n}' ti: l»I«l'--- W [Z _\.--In-ll, 35 5.0”“ 9”‘ H N xi! FOL; l’I-it -3: Int .~‘.u.t: At a hnrtnln M“ - it -. l..'L at-I.» .-v-um.-ti. Hwnent nnx_|-‘U: 2. wt ll Kl.-2... 411 czuttar B 2. |\ 3''~ l.(i.\"I‘ A .\ I) FOI'.VD III\: l'..o,‘... -‘ the \l¢N,l- Al Ihlllhllui: - ' \ I.;.n. Ii-‘I « ~m«I?. wt-Mr". "’~"'“ . .. .~,, .~ A .1. ...t SA and It 1!!l"’F«" " ‘I L- '- ]‘»'4~t' ‘fl ‘WI -‘iv IL-I-. MN" I11‘ I '-'iii‘.. Ii:-"4' ‘ , , . vs MIN I-.LL.L\E0[.$.I .~. \*~. ll 1- \ um; :.t.rr:-«-i - -us- ' '_f" '. ' 1 'l;§(VQ‘|! _' tn-Ills II‘. ]':'1‘~1:" f.'““r 1.’ c .Iltv 1- \ I-In»;-~ \Il~~~|“l-'."‘l:' :— ~ l.‘.'I.\ \\ l\\‘I'IiI- I‘ \-' ut|l'l~ fur wmltlm: . _ | ~_ :_ 3-_ ‘g -1.»-Il III la‘, is» null .t - ‘.‘<' . "r Iv*_'i2"~ '1' Vrlu‘ l'.1l'lI< :\ \i‘t\iI'i» - \ -1;:-I--ms’ mrai ”=-''‘‘ -» v - ..- -..x 1.. ll --'.'..vr‘ r....mo-r~ in II''"'‘'' \I'r--- H .\I‘.~~-Ii.'l.ilt 3'” \\ \\'l til‘ .\!.«t-.-1 .~'ut-I.-rtitw-r I. 3' ‘:"" "r » 1 ; ..v. In do-'t: fuwsipm-.1 h..um' *_-:“;; \ \I:-~ ti"lan "HI-1' ‘\ ‘\ 1-til , '1 ,, 1; I‘ \[. -drfll Kllflfi‘ ‘l'Fe-{Pf U!I.'iiPiIlIIh1-'1! \\'lll lw_ '““ ~ft- r .\v:t:uIt 27 Liuinenn Paul \‘ IJl‘“’""'l- Yr--I»-ri.L|t-\\‘n .\lu V 29 left the United States mr Mexico to‘ An 88 head tax is the first‘ r-mp-ml 'n"Il’ it it i':tt «-I l‘ulut:)|al:t‘ ‘illflm.-i,.l'. if lt.‘..>.‘t\:l \VA.\'Tl~Iln ‘V1111 a print: fltlti delightful me!- 1.- ; . _y LLIEYNGDSTOIACCO OOlPA.NY,Whatnn-Selglc. I iii no nwn -lu-i--ntv-. 9| SW“ ‘"d°"° 5 4-1 a I-nl -r uh-I do’-I1 3 link‘ ‘cc "' .1 M will use mu-oaiuu 54'9"‘ N’ l'r--f-~r .1 lhlnrwv who-rv theft‘ ll‘? “°fl°ln'"’r duolvnts All-Irv-we R 6. 13- «\I1'''°u"-’_‘:_‘,',t!.a “'.\N']‘l~j[I- y..u.- t,.-tn.-tttottina. ;';";:| tuarnntvod Sin Mnchlne Co. ‘Q In D‘ THE zvzrrnra nssotnzurr. cownu. nssottm, WEDNESDAY, AU ersr a. ton. E’Et5;A_DE\3i./AY §K5 AFTER A TH1 RTYDA Y DROUGH T i*;:‘:*f:f 3 14. 15 & 16. Hennamau aub ,A L 98: Palm ‘ 51],} —-— ¢_..._______ _ "‘ -—-— Gnj .4 --_.4._ _-_- l;~———~———————————_.t“ e- —, — .' . REAL ESTATE Tuxspzns Ii "Reprint H. W. sum:-s nnueun. zentmtatphu. The bulletin um writ- ,‘ i M‘k1“5 Lb‘ P"‘°‘°d P‘°WT°-" 8490 D5’ Herbert'W. Smith, assistant , é—‘‘School of Jouflmliam ‘bulletin. bu: professor of advertising, in charge or ,been reprinted serially in the Bulle-tthe photo-engraving laboratory at the .119 of Phvtozranhs‘. Published 1n‘scnoolorJournn.1um 7 | . B I.‘ ’ "Md P"“'e simply us-ton‘: eat enough food to make, 53“ YORK. Aux. 6.—Bartenrlers.'a floor show profitable. There is a‘ f°Vm91'33r helmsznen of many a achoom , distYnct height to which prices can go " W Vurzl, to :4 W Hn_kn(_< I let ‘"15’-"' the 800d Blilmler Old Man and there they must atop_ Patrons .\"pi1ts :36 a- :’.T '~\'e-:'.u~ut.d rut f IHKI n are now looitzng for a suug_were g.\‘en a sad awakening as the lumbia 3.5;, Mollie Bucktnuetur to A; A. 'l""‘b0r 85 a result of the demise of prit-es began to jump immediately aft Sims 1.1 9. lisrurnnu Atid t‘... l the” "lend. John Bar 1.0 (‘om one er ]»rohib;t!on Thvse patrons wor 1 80. THESE ARE THE MEN imon h 3' 'fIed little about prices so long as they lflfllilln “.55l_'l But the late mixers of merry mucil- 1 could drzte away dutz can 13,- a cor-1- E. <.‘ AH'}'er~Im; ‘.-- J 1. sitngu ‘age declare the 678! Of Jul)‘ and the tail But there I3 slight exhilaratzon I-is 1 « 2 la‘. '.'.*~. « "l1'.f":1I28 15:30 coniséquent advent of prohibition '.(I he fuumj I,-_ a ham .-ifl,.",d“'ll'l1, plain lint--l t:rl;;g_s 2:) r; ts‘ T;-1:1,)“. llbrouzhththem one relief. ‘.‘lZ, they no The -.»~.t'm.,-_.; ._.m,.,-13;“ “gm. hm...‘ t:.-I }-j'_ 34}: 11 3,3] 1; 1' 0039? are to answer the question that .-'.Hli'.t‘ m.rn<'le w.ll u<‘(‘l1§' tn sate We. ‘r-r iii-it:v‘-a;. H 1-‘_ at ‘ which "35 W'0D0UD'l*‘d about 98.764; their fortunes Thv: _-xniz Saltmt‘. 1'1 in llii-‘xv-r E" 1?. iii. _~t‘.,-pl: ‘334 "3196: "Well. Joe. whatta _\'n gonna {.4-auur {may be do.» lart-cl um.ms:Itu- Wt-' '.'vl A-if i‘;lu:ul-its 4 '35.: Id" an?’ p’°mb"l0D 907116-“ 7" Tivnnzil and 1h»: wlglntvt-nth um-.-n«:u'.en.'. l.--H 1'1: yi.1.'|l in '~\':tl'»r l{'.»i.-.- ‘ ht‘ YBIDULIB CJ'l8T8.(‘Y.c"t'i-i Whu Winn na- r. t..4,4:¢-tl I.,.;hap,; wag. A. I‘ 1.: 4_;..,.,j_— }-1 M _;f_ . linnnl repumtlunr fur flu-Ir .-iltlll .u‘ Ii-tn si~u:.t~ 2!l"t‘Ii! Uiwt: -.-min: -“'*‘lvIi~'t- .‘= \-l~l' 'l.‘I2ll|i.i 4---uja 0 0 ’”""‘°"”"K .IUI8I>t'i and tmlulles are now KT"1'Il -‘tfl: mt-.t'.tl i.' twr’r-« tlj. .\'.|lJ¢‘T ‘ii-«F1314 S T.’ u.‘;..- 2; l.lI..’i0- \l ::fSk'"§ Om?’ N1‘-lDlt W1 v- H « ttn -.. ?.~ 'I‘ I-‘ :~‘u"--ts ' And B"°3d“‘&H‘ !m.~t~«-.~ '.h»- the-ti to’ i 2: cu----I i--‘ctr ‘-ll"0'Ii 'h«~ tv u'g ‘mix .\‘ J ‘A ~"~-it 1" ‘l " x ' ; v - y . . 1 t L . . _ .. ~ . , _ _- ‘ I . . ( lgtlllmm ll‘ used In “Sh!-‘I"’V l"1I‘Uul3lv.-' -21 fit» orlvi ' -'rI."tl2I in‘. .'1L.‘~lIHliifI'l?l lzm 3‘ ii? I3 I3-‘ 4.1.1’ '.'r‘...)m'\l G PRES- ‘ V‘ ""' ' I I" -'-.' 4‘ ~‘ I I '* ' * .~ ' ,. ' l.» u .-4 _..-V__- . g 7 ,,..‘,.T,fgLf“fI;‘§1j?j;,_f.‘*9? fa’:";'y~,,;*t‘*~y'*,i~_;; hj 1 — E ~—- ~~— -7‘ J. N. TM LUR MRS. w. P. DXSART ‘ i W I ‘ I H M” ' “ " ‘ll? ‘alluvial [.114-stttrk llurlmt ' , , . 4 MRS. I. FAYLOR S. C. HUIVT PLNIIVIETT .\IcDO.\‘ALI) S. F. CONLEY of sun-(10 “Yul "““’ tilfllll.-4' lI\(‘ll ~'Ul't'I5.‘°!l ll l\I[|;|' fipf nfllxlilp (115: ‘J-'_-14]!‘ \‘---"-‘~\I ~I---It i\I.'l-s t;.t.<1 sf \ '. ‘ LI 5: -. 5. I”) lh‘~‘m Th" H“|1Pf9 proriiri that thc-_'. {:-t‘ the r--_~‘. u.’ thv _w'--at “‘” -“*"'“ it" Jim blUlk1’.l]|'.-'-’ ~.;u3.».«-.« Thez. llaerv t,. ;tt.. .nnn.~.- that ih-o , , L"”' "" ?*'r"”l~' 3"lUi'I“ 1‘~ lit’?-‘d cal-urv-r t-rv:;.-r.a~'.m~_. 11:22.‘)? ah;1l.I1.~tz '. ' 'A ~ « t,t ._ y __ “F11-"'-'-I113.‘ '-II‘-‘*~"-111'-tI.*t1~i2t:'.~ml Ilt-- tl ~u' r l n: An.» ' ' A.'. A ~ \Ir1.:-' .,. .. J ‘ 1 ' ' “l"n“*' IT‘- 11?. v-fl-'.‘''|!.t) i:t.:.Ll)'l4‘l7t -ll-‘tin: inn; Ir)". l|l.Jf"»ii'iJI:It:"\~¢'fQlffijtfltoillgirltul 'l‘lu' E‘, ‘M.’ ‘H. H UH‘-.M‘:‘:J ~" X. I 35-1)_ };g rh , 1, ,1‘ ,‘ ‘1 ;__.: 5. p 7 .1 ,V _ ‘__ 'V ' fl _ ‘ V‘ H-’.' :' A~I:«'- '- I-o I :- M» ~ S~ nu»!/xiii ‘ab , . . Erntunditltms "ft “DP” ttl:H);..t i I .1 silt ilrt. l..: 1. t ll. . .1 tl.« .\ as ‘nulls “.1, . ..'.¢r;. N ‘. Imrulm . N S¢c_ The \v-ii Y‘.-II-. halttt has l'v‘t‘ll '.-1 «.r-it-r As the iirwa‘. Th Trl FI.f‘]‘ri‘l.I"h9‘il the .1 la"..'t' ptttzr tit ,mn..-th ng nu-A ska-th ' -' »‘ ‘iii . ‘.x:\I‘~ .IlUIlM’41_rr- will run he 111',-rr 'h.m t-.-n VVOTIK 'Y'he'.- we.-re tfihnrit-~a liubnztk. 1-‘) the acre Tots will allow «art; ‘_.vun.“,._ “M.”15 and Wmlam _..{‘,[mmt_: h“"“" 3 g‘”‘l"" "" ""”""‘ r"'l’ ‘V I? ll \1t..-r-:. of Voluitii-ta and lint I'«:-:‘.d “M”: "H 1”’ ‘L “‘""”" up-grade by buying Season Tickets. Buy Season Ticl-tets—-Boost the Chautauqua—0ffer to Help. COLUMBIA CHAUTAUQUA Begins August 21; Lasts 6 Days “'1' l‘-""‘ 24 '~'>rn*-tr evudrnt ‘r the ['r.~t.-ruin an Th7‘ :~"]ilUTh ..* II‘ I)!‘ Ilul,‘ !j_ 3:; ..-f- 1.5“ Igrlde I_~&”.h.:. :“ lkrka-nsa‘; chard so-ttizxz Fruit‘. firm-.~ -~..; line —~ —— --- Till! VIIX In zlw roztdwnjna The-re will be :;u walls. [hr xzurult‘-1:5 Eu.-lng dztldetl ll} It--divs Thetv wt]; he Fvt‘I'i.‘H'tl4_II| grounds, al- luttut-nr.~' and vututuon playgrouztds The l)~-l..'.~t"-.~‘- are In be built on [I]Udé'.'T’i land alI'.:i!I4' l‘nv-in, the internal u.r— for rut'.i:o»n:«ttt.~a IM‘t!.£ thw lust wt»:-.1 in SERVICE h[J'l{:l‘ti:qtiiil|}f’(’trlI_\' :1. tlt-« Uilllillr-ll‘. :3 the CLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIRING “(HIP Ill" THE H.\|\(. l"' 9ll|_\'T\iiI‘E LIN}: In ‘Ill!’ H||I'I.'H\L"l'h" I'utnmr-urlru: Friday. tux. ~th. qua-.~.l.tm .II the §n»J]. !>u_\'- 'WIiI 01")‘ in» runriel .-nuttgh H» .n2tutn‘t ll model ~uhurb, ur will the-_\ hvlp lhr-tnseltett‘ H» Ihv I'm!‘ that abutzntils in l.I'.¢~}tubI1(‘ ll1tiz‘c.'t1;_»:l‘iflil’t.*i~".' ]t is lltipt-_-(J that)‘ wfll‘ become imbued with a great fL’2'vD1L‘(".l fut romnttzrtal right.-4 and {lime gnaw‘ \I{HI|*' Vt -\I.I XIII’ in ‘HM. It} I) i.[.lI\}i" IKDIIIE l’1|I.l| in CHRISTIAN COLLEGE NATATORIUM -rm: Lute an‘ rm; 4 mt rs" NEW SUMMER SCHEDULE JACK DAILY up fiT:<(-(‘I355 democrat.-4 I ‘ AFTERNOON B‘.B\.L\.GS ’ * ’ ~ ” 2-5 30 7-9 30 “"008? Women .\Ir'_=n nod Boys TU:-.~ulB_\' .\i.»tJ llnd H033 l Women W229 P m‘ ‘. Private Parties after 9 p In Families and Couples ‘ Women——7-9 p. m. 7 Private Parties after 9 p In \\'mIt)o~5uIa)' ._._..;.: ”.’hursda_\' hi.-n and Boys Men and Boys F: lllri} Women Saturday Men and Bow: Families and Couples E. F. Edwards. ex perienccd swimmer and life guard in charge. Arrangtementl may be made tor Individual twinning lesions. clan nrimnung. advanced trimming and course tickets. PHONE 44 GREEN 1 a Perfect Sanitation Absolute Safely Y. M. C. A. Rooming House Bureau Will be maintained as usual this fall. No charges will be made for this service. You can list your rooms by filling outthc blank below and mailing same to the Y. M. C. A.. 208 South Eighth Street. What you pay out your good money for is cigarette satisfaction—and, my, how, you do get it in every puff of Camels! XPERTLY blended choice low-mfldness of the tobscoos yet to- ROOHIVJ HUFSE Bl'REAl' Turldsh and choice Domestic mining the desirable “body." Camels Y. I (._ L‘ W s_ W, m_ tobaooos tn Camel cigarettes elum- are simply a revelation! You may Phone 2:: hate bite and free them from any smoke themwithout tiring yourtaste! Name a Address ~ Date Pnont-' .\‘o. of rooms unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or _ ’ ‘mpleuam cigmmty odor. ’ For your own satisfaction you must I compare Camels with any cigarette Camels win instant and permanent in the world at any price. Then. success wiflz smokers became the you'll best realize their superior * blend brings out to the limit the quality and the rare enjoyment they provide. lncation of rooms I’}'It‘tsC tor ulngle room: double - . - Will you furnish meals. or where can board be obulned’ Price of board Remarks -Ac-xv... -,_..., -- _-4_._-_ ..--u.