whether the canals are uuuum —.o..- - . terwaya or phenomena of vegetation ‘"5 t° “"3 mumwh ” °°ul"'°a T caused. by some method of irrigation. ‘vim 2" per mm 1”‘ nu‘ Mm’ pm" Mn been due {or The level at prices paid tor products ‘I communication. Perhaps our Martian ;‘:x:?euD?ng:umc;3l:g.:.: :3 friends are troubled by the same vvo‘>- veara ago and 34 per cent higher than let: In regard to as; or perhaps it is the average for the lot 10 years. 0 I An: /Your/\ . .-T. 9| I ‘ ‘AI ' '. i ‘ I ' "i ‘ . - ..-,...- -....._.._ ...«.._4.¢£._...3«..u.. ...., ._. .......-._.e.L_..‘* _- _;»g__:._- N’. D. - ...—-— CARD op THALKS. sh to may our friends and ' i I , -.0 a“ 1)."; «(i .'. »". "‘ i 1 ,5 . V) ' '5. .9’ , - f. xx?’ yr for the hle L. V gndlver. who was so 5° shot down 1“ ' Nortollt. \'a.. . ~I - S no MRS. R. L. \'AI\'Dl\‘ER. ,-_~ ..——r—' -~ ' in ’ «- Q. T _, . . ” . i — Iiiilolxrel . .11/4: U;t1a/Daz'/3' ‘ .- —‘."";:‘W"""i' ‘ ‘ é " ‘ I i ’ {/1 Six 0'6/ac/5 ‘ ' ‘v ’ I g ‘i I. _j_ ’ .103} 7/1"”: ‘U TO KEEP COOL Hey Fellows!Wl1o Sy0urLAUNDRYMAN? [$771007] ‘:5 ___ . v . - ,, .._ V». Buy f 1 test la: is d get out in the yard ' ' Hmm'ngz'r’5 I H ‘\_ S ‘i . jg whq:nict': o:ooo:ip:.o ,::..oII. - ”°''’" ‘’°‘’"‘3 "‘ “GT5 "'4 ‘Wins an *~°~=st bid 5 _.- ‘_ _ _ . lor BUSlNE_3S when use say that no other laundry '’ lgwf/I3’ {O/‘C I’ ~Sfil.V'l3()R_:'\‘§ f "The Web," Emerson Hough in the whole state cl Missouri is better fitted for r ' F" '*w,r'-3.‘ :;"';:-7 “The City Comrades." Basil King ploaaing patrons than we are! i i\ . “Private Wire to Washington," Harold Mccrath O at d h h _ l _ _._._.—-———- - - “-4 * Nundyinq Fin,” H_ G_ “gen, p° . ‘"5 ‘n t 3 “°“'°5‘ “WC 30100 C0111?!’ non“: Highflycm., Clarence Kcnmd vancea combine to turn out worlt according to lloylel Care in handlingl The finish you speciiyl All-round Fine Shoes I . . T.‘ ' 0 TT’ 8 B O O K satiaiaction guaranteedl Send for the wagon- _.L' Iced Tea Adda to Your - 920 B R O A D Wxi 1' phone Mb Summer Comfort ALL THE LATEST BOOKS AND MAGAZINES ____ Dorn-Cloney Laundry Ioe Repairinc 5!-tem L °":"l“l°E S3310? ——-r and Dry Cleaning Co. Enjoy Your Porch ‘ . Isi ea or In: '-ng Ce ,_. , Columbia. Mo. Tu H.‘ ddiwcofnngg 107-9 Scum Eighth SIEEALI-n SERVICE Columbia Mmoun You can "when the mo“ OUTi_l_I:Ir::r_}j_s_-EREET ' iiiflnod diiiie.rate(:téh:suen& You will find a car that tahes you around Ebasam I O O m in your cozily, easily, quicizlyand runs better the second °"”‘ ° C°z7'°°“‘l°’u‘bl° ’ _ W _ - homelilze gathering place for all the larnily: a cool. shady outdoor playroom lor the children and an ideal -F-_ i 7 SaI.horn's Orange Pc- koe Tea will make 300 year than the lirst. P a -6 . ‘ cups to the pound’ Buiclr owners aaid this spring alter a win- ’ '. _ ter’s use. “i like my car better than ever-" Packed in 1-4,1-3 and . ' C und annis c , $1 - HS ies flgamsf : f,j§°pmd‘_ "‘ and dfzehtmziigdwfllrtfds °' W °r summer out-door sleeping Now S apagtment hgequipping it ;.; ELL’ wit AER LUX NO- ’ *1 Phone 74 F‘ H‘ HOBERECHT WHIPPORCHSHADES Hey N’ ti, .1 w.1 t nos BROADWAY PHONE 90 . . m m n" The patented NO-WHIP f A ATTACl"‘lMENTpositive- wflp/ft‘, ‘mp!’/y 0 ly prevent: all whipping in the wind mer drinkr. Car- Vmi/ar tab/aware. _ , Sizes 317 1:; ft.to 817 3-, it. In I r"‘~‘".*_'”""£ " Prices $250 to 37.50 I ’l-’‘ /?/’”’g’ 3°“ Colors green and brown. appra mg to your Drop in and see our dia- V K .\II’Sll,' ll.U(£S i’0l'R 0l"l‘lNt.‘ ('(l.\ll’l.F.Tli play or telephone us to I‘ ’ ‘ 1 Tal£e1V\‘lLh you, clan that tamiluf ‘plrllll’, the Imgum for 6~nll\’t"lIlr1g the take the measurement 9f . 0('(‘flSOI1.—iL sma ter axe of 9 Columbia Grnfonola (Vacation Mod- 7 9 so P1! and some (if our latest records. 7°." porch‘ ‘er 5 Short. pleasurable Week-end outings. ratlie.-r than lung:-r vut-minus, > '_~_ will keep you "fit" and near your post of duty. PARKER‘S PARKER FURNITURE COMPANY _ I HAVE YOU VISITED THE NEW ‘~ I LET HETZLER FIX THOSE PICNIC LUNCHES . . . Our lunches are a comfort this hot weather. Crisp sandwiches, appetizing salads, pickles, everything to take on a picnic and without the least trouble to you. ' W h fresh veg tabl s. huts and ml ns, t I. I C d d " Nocthitigcis more heaithfui this time of the iyieoar. 00 I y ' llETZLER'S MARKET S Where Quality and Sanitation Reign Supreme PHONE I65 at I2 South Ninth Street, Formerly Penn’s? riupurpoae nderness, plenum. ' B. Nuform nchCu» we ARE NOT BOASTING WHEN we SAY WE HAVE THE 3557 PLACE or ITS KIND IN COL- UMBIA. we ARE SURE THAT oNt;.'rRiAL WILL MAKE YOU REALIZE THIS. EVERYTHING POSSIBLE HAS BEEN DONE FOR THE COMFORT AND PLEASURE OF‘! OUR PATRONS. ALL OF OURFOUNTAIN. SUP- puss, CANDIES AND LUNCHES ARE THE 4:} BEST OBTAINABLE. A COMBINATION or PLEASING sun- ROUNDINGS, EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE AND“THE BEST or FOODS WILL MAKE THE PARLOR YOUR REGULAR srop- PING;PLACE THESE HOT DAYS. 3; I UNIVERSITY I I ice CREAM AND CANDY I PARLORU , I FROZEN oou) Pure loo Cream!’ Most BUILDING Nutriment on EARTH Iileasing to the P-ALATE-—Velvety and RICH! Goes down with a SUGGESTION of MORE! Served in ALL GOOD PLACES—ask for FROZEN GOLD! Might as well have the BEST. ‘ Phone its before 11 o'clock for Sunday orders. wI1IrE"‘EAuLe DAIRY PHONE 5| ‘ ‘ . I ‘ hi re‘ "; o . it"-A-n3E';.‘.‘.‘V.'ixi’i‘VI“ - - W :A_':;-‘JO’ filbf h.Oll§h “-- “- . ' ‘c -. \