I 5 I. . l iiiliimiiiiiitiiiiiii I l L. I \ | . ‘ ~ . - r a _ - ’ \ iii; the best young men of tlie_'."' ppiuea.~ ‘ ‘ ix ‘ -:4 MISSOURIAN _:‘_A.\ iou'.;to‘llare Journalism School. . sLEvs‘:N'rHrE1ut so if siigmissouai, SA DAY EVENING, JULY i2, 1919. NUMBER 267 o 0 I “ " r of Missouri has received an in- llllljllllllPSllilll ill llflllill KEEP wiisni iii llEPlllllill 2511 Bill iivi APPHUVES iiiiiiiiii Sllllil -=:-:3 l . BUSY Ill iiimiiiuli iiiiii _g_ii_ Illiiillll iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii ; ses offered at Mlssourt. —~~.-- M way in a short time. according to a - . ‘ "‘-"’“ . . . loutl doctor who learned of the propo- . I - Frank Eaton Dieswof Heart ~ League Opponents May _At- Disabled Engine Forces Air- ,m,,,,. The hm, ml will mum bu. Instructions Issued for cssa- i GAR AGE Disease Caused by Excite- en tempt_ to .Prevent Hts ship to Reduce Speed— many of the old bottles will be miu- tion of Blockade Against i rnent Over Storm. be m Speaking Tour. Onl.V Waking 35 Knots. 33;“:"::‘;:‘:c::1;';°d';f:k:°:‘;;ITi”: Germanv. ‘ .~\LT\' Oi’ . ; -—-—— ' . ~ ' ——- , ---—-~- \ . ‘ _ ‘ “ ——-’ ~ LIGHT PLANT «BURNS :.‘:.:.’.".'i°.‘&".:.‘l'ti"»'a'ia°".?.i... us... .... TO COME UP ‘MON DAt..C0uRsi2 IS CHANGED w=d~ Po-wt were we be keen RI’5!~lA is 1\'-L-‘,X'1‘ --,.,Z‘ T M ‘i, ,l,.g,,.,_ ~ - __,_,__‘ ’ ‘ ________ but if so no acoholic drinks will be ______ . . . 1. Loss Is $530,000-—City W ith- ,,,$‘,'.,":',"',,,,‘,;““,‘,“,§,”',.,,‘“.'“,§‘,f{‘.‘f:',2'.'T President Is Willing to .(1lYC Lraft Makes as High as °°f;_‘:e‘°;:u;’j:;°::; We rwmbnmd Allied Mandatory C ummit. experience - out Ltgiits—Telephone ‘,‘;‘1:',§,‘} ,",',:,",,'§;',,f"..',‘;§,':,,“;;'f,_o°‘,;°,i{'1‘;“.,' . Committee Information Ninety Knots an Hour mmnm have been ordered from 8 BL ice A rgucs on Disposal of saw equipment V . _ % wires Down. Iii’:‘t:sas. Ih!:,¢‘|"_¢;Ic:‘:::.ft;r':hen's.lao.§1e:’aTet>'f gt on Treaty.‘ at One Time. :.:.')ul: lfirm. fiTlt1e)‘ are 'lIohbel(l;l(:aJ regu- Teuton Colonies. _ « . '~-‘'--—- xfi 1 _ , """'— r aoon xures. e "aa- —""-"‘ Of Our 6UP¢i'l0l' WOfk - ‘._‘ Cemmun ‘"3’ the cent" °t U" e In Cte1l::!a.l:nrutb';.:‘e:tb¥:'i.:"llkcly to be 37 L C’ sun“ H’ Um“ pm‘ oon" will serve cheese sandwiches. By FRED S‘ FERGUSON (Pulled Press Stat! Correspondent) . PARIS. July 12.—The Council of ’ i I-‘ive began issuing instructions today 3‘ for the cessation of the blockade . against German . ‘ . more that -we ca-ml ms-ow :‘.’.';'.7.“.‘."§,.i'.1'.':§‘.3."§;..§:.”:fi’:‘i.{i."3..ii"°..‘f‘..; ‘°“‘°‘ """ "" °"""'°'l "°"" = .,,‘;°‘:,',"°’;;~,,,’“"' "=*"‘*° B'“‘'** -‘ ‘ yesterday afternoon, DQ,]ng‘¢ ‘mount. conditions will prevail over Sunday. wABHIN01uN' ‘my 12'-‘An “”' rm e’ - ' '3' only 350 mu_" 0“ _ b“, D_“_ tegnpt to pursue President Wilson the west coast of Ireland at 11 ocloclt ‘"3 ‘°‘.’°'°“’ "“”"°° d°‘“"" "” Th!-'hi¢best temperature in Columbia from making his cross-country tour this rnornins. New York time. sc- done to stores and other buildings fxtcrdsy wuss: and tbeloweaf last night in 5.3.1: of the League of Nations cording to a wireless message re- V! .1 ‘and other foods and possibly pret- zels. too The opening date has not been an- nounced nor has the location. The Moon acts 5 . -, 71 paid 1 go u . , owner of the establishment has two . _ there. An insurance company this midtty noon "m°.'i'; owls gem ....l't by koovlnthlm in dtily attendance at oelred from the dirisiblq by the air iocmona 1,, m,.-_ .,,_9,, Broadway. tun‘ 3“ F“'° ’°"""°°d ‘ “°‘° ‘° .‘« S miorninx received tbirtr-two claims f,,’,:",.:f‘}“’§;‘§’f;{h‘fi,9”’;‘fl’::‘5a°F“i2f'_j of ‘the Senate longs: ministry todil!r’- He " “Willing the arrive‘ of ms at mm Gti:l:!l:1r1n:al:i¢;<‘::tJ’{°nlni)<>frn:ll:I:!s $3: ; I I _ _ OBI mrnl CO '8‘ Ti": I S '°’ d“'“‘g°”‘ cI:3l!I1l:tr time) sun roar today are $6 cm“ W in,“ oppomnig in con. 8’ "''’‘°‘ ‘’‘'°‘'' ”"°"‘ Treaty lud been accepted and that the ‘ . I-'|’|. ‘ mt man. yon’-3 In. sufl acts D ‘rm ._ l2.—Tbe - "- ° - ‘,3 diriglble. it-34. was 850 siiies west of dead on a street in Centralia at 6 The 1--suentanc Today. 5§ator Iloaos of New Rampshi . member 0 . '” —‘"""' individuiii Allied governments would 3 i take steps toward the lifting of the ’ ' blockade. T oclock yosterdnypeyening Eaton be- 7 a. m-.._.-----‘.".' it s. in ........ --R6 Ropilflllan f the oornmtb [f°"d°? “ 7 °.°I°°k 1”’ m°mm" ' fame "cued during the norm. 3:. :4 ...... -31 1:‘ not: ....... --::i‘J ma‘ ‘dd ‘oaaimm he planned [0 or New York time. the air ministry an- __ The council also started considera- _ it is believed an attack of heart dis- [0 ..1nf""’ZZi-si °' fern reaolption to the committee .\ion- “°“"°°" ‘°""' gm 5 Li , ,0 rimon Bccauqto “‘"‘ °‘ "‘° '”“°3 °‘ “"3 "‘°°“d° ~ 'n’lfly hare taken “me “Med M’ dmm‘ 5” ""“"" P’°““'°m w"’°" ‘° 8" 1:3": Eibimmmluy thanlesuintilbfi I» )fpCiabEt- Rpcpralinw Dav . aglalinlz: Rudsmed u ndiltfulnulinanhe ' in C:3D‘l':I:|l8 more that: gent! Yeirrs. PIFTERSON To (‘B55 “"3”. trial] ‘J1 :3 Din; t())'ci0(‘!:t eat-If t:orn- "3"" mwcuy we” °f I‘°"d°” at 23"‘ ii ht Sa\'in' Laciv. .‘“’°1m‘f“ °' m’ b””" ‘'‘°‘"’d 0"’ mrtumty to uy Beside 8 wife he is survived by three —"“” wit) the Peace Trent’ is bei °C'°°“ ‘M’ “‘°"‘“‘8- “'9' "Wk “"9. I ——- -—‘- i""”‘-"- " ‘"5 ‘’°"“‘’‘ °‘"' 75° *“‘"‘ - h S b (1 Will Wed st. Joseph Girl. Thu Leave ‘"3 ° ’ "3 At that hour the dfiriglble wag making : By tutu-d Pm: iican delegates also claim that the Rus- Pnces t e um’ » "'“" "3" “— °n° ’°" The ’°"' for Pat Inst « ' ‘”'°“'”°' thirty-five knots‘ an hour WASl~{:I\'G'I‘()\' J iv i°_Preaidt-ntisisn blockade is illegal . - . James Elston. is emDl0)'6d bi‘ 010 3* ‘fight of 0, fireaident Wilson has already ex- ' ' ‘ ' U ° "i ‘ id 1“ thls sale. Don -1). ‘Patterson. n e 0 Owing to me gun-mg rgging over i Wilson today \(‘l0e.‘l the um-icultural| The Italians today filed a claim ask- ggm com" on company in Comm. 33100‘ 0‘ J°‘"'33353m "1 3557- '1“ '3" Drug.‘ ms flmngne” to ‘"8 to “I: Scotland. the air ministry wirelesaed .appropriatlou_bil1 because it contained log that they be granted the Austrian ‘mu, oommitsee all informntioti possib l ‘ The tornado of 1917 that passed g;u'i:‘,:;fi‘:°”vJ1nec:n.h;n;_’:,om 3;: during its consideration of the treaty. tlhidaat‘ be;°:o:‘:m :2“, to $3 3:“? hp‘r°S‘:$::‘ Ifgrwme “pen Of‘;(;?;:?!¥-:21?‘,:,1:.nn1,:§:;?::,:t_til: ”"'°°“h Cemml Ml”°°”r mum‘ "W Francisco for 8 ' . . I: re ha ("rd mu .1-us‘, ‘fun; ‘ The {:1-gsident alflo returned to the!concessionI shall revert to (‘b as for eral people at Centralia and blow- he wm Mfivufidn‘ man‘, of M", ‘No Dhncreelient with Hitchcock.” ““ 9’ n° ‘ ° ” °“- 11 M , ‘m D‘ limpmnuonfl nu‘ mg many hon”. on the north ‘me lu_d_ e'“'.. 3, mm.‘ p,.,,,_ instead of East Fortune. Scotland. its (}1'i0‘tlse“.:'it oi; fl9atB“l)§1n:’l‘t1lli'€bec:usB;l It‘ _ of town awn)’. carried all the mem- mttmofi t. to M marl“ to M1“ WABIIINOTON. July l2.—Secrc.-tn.-y Dr9Vl0:: destlnatl¢:1n.C'l'hc dirisible is camel.” Iiiriziimpons fluke] - ‘O bé of me. F9‘ mu” nouns ruuud. bers of the Eaton family except Mr. Rum pt‘-"beck of 8L Jouph Ju]y 17. Tumulty today issued ll. statement de- '° "’“° “"”"'N‘b°“‘_‘ 4 mo“ “dons c0n”quwczs.. '3; Vnlied Press. Eaton for some distance. it left Flat- “.1 Wm 1,“, .m,,,ed,,,,,,. go, 9.. claring that the report of :1 disagree- = °i° °°‘ ‘°‘“°""°" '“°"“"§‘t °" ° ,mmd,m,,. upon me ,.,,,'dm,. 0, U,-ei i.ot\'ooN. Jul)‘ l2.”I'he Allied stan- on standing in the middle of a room. co,“ on 1,], ‘dam; "in ment baweell President Wilson and ‘ma pnsgdeni-9 meggage announcing the “IOU” C0lN11lB8l°l1- “"1118 ¢°mP‘°i°d The roof and walls of the room were pgueg-gon_ whose home is at Macon, Senator Htchcoclt. who has been one T1” "°d“°°d ‘9°°d °‘ "9 3'3‘ ‘5 the nm of the amcultunl approprmmm “S dupe“) of the form". German}. blown away. None of the family was M°__ wag“ ‘M, an A,.o¢i.g.¢ pm“ of Wilson‘: most ardent supporters. '°"m °‘ ‘ dtubhd °“‘h°‘' “ “ ”' hm me Home by 3 Wu. of 225 to 77 colonies. held its dual meeting here lnillfed. h0‘'¢‘'9l’- 5131 the 350°‘ 3'03‘ at City and Des Moines until 58 linU'|1°- “med m“ we cripple. mom’ was to consider the pew nenfixion- today. Adjournment was taken unfl the tornado of 1917 ‘and the frirht he entered army. He was a serllianto "'*'*"““_‘ . m:1:;:°:n‘:ee:°:“"fl;.:’fe;: *3: )._ from 3'98lel'dAY'|l 83-0731 ll b°“°"°d 1°_ major with the A. E. 1-‘. Since his re- W573 “RUG! DPT M) S‘L00&~[B Extrema‘ E tuck in the ‘.ua.nje.de( The «House then without it dissent-! g so rapidly no ocs can aiiord to shout coming in to oiier. 1§——__: re the arrival of a Grade Patent f Lid Pumps, full 6 the Peace Conference ratifies its re- port. Ni mbers declared that a com- G fl - ' l have caused in Eaton's death h has bee with th Associated ~ - lete . reemeut had been reached 1 vam 5_ S 1e[')-- . ' ‘ “Vb 5 9 ° . 3; ‘guy, to Am]; Log; 3; m I.‘ ,1 ing vote returned the President s veto . D 88 p - p - 5‘-“'1'?” PW?" ll.|"'°‘- 9"“ "' Cm" . Du-Int Prohibition. “Thee I:-3‘: ‘B pareuneuttln. was em lo - °' the '““d’'7 “W” ‘pp"°p”“‘°"“ hm‘ ; upon fin exam one or 1'0 mlnor “- lth SDEIS JD thfi Several people were injured in Cen— The Qdifor of su11ar:l's Review is B’ mm 1 N‘ i In ‘W pun ’ CO pdy which carries the appropriations forllalll - tr-alia durlus the storm. it was learned J. 3. Powell. a graduate of the School WASHDKHON ml_ 19 _Mm”u°n ns 0 y o e nel. 83 ““”‘“‘ °" “lama and other “Mm “pens . The much... of we mmimo,-,~ ‘ E I'CCClVCd SONIC this momm‘ of Journalism and former instructor 0: the “loan “dad at 13-!“ Womb‘. ‘sjcmtgi t;r:ni:‘:r;la;d“ih‘efortaini.tl:ehesta‘i"t 183 of govemmem. to the Appropriation; powers. according to the terms of the ' f L . h 1 A 87981 dell 0! the corn and cats in ‘‘''”u‘“’‘* tlou was Idrocated by Samuel Untei-—» 3 ° 7 0“ Cnmmittee for consideration. l’9P°l'l- 00 9°‘ i"°“°“ ""5 '“5m°" i l’ u OLHS cc 5- near that town was badly damaged. meyer g-greggnung brewery investors use the "0 mar motor. on" in an’ The President affixed his signature (‘°mm9"°'31 3d"u“‘3° 0"’ me tad‘ _ ‘ _A . person‘ from Central“. said on the“. ‘ad v. . bafore the ’ena‘e judicta-‘|;fl;g]!'lblltE3:’lhdI. ed I a k 18 to the Indian Appropfiguong 31]] ‘ad 9?! Of other COUBITEGS. ‘ in “"”"“ “‘ C°“”nb“‘ um "‘°"““5' Board of llealt-h-t-0-Tate Action on ryooinmittee. This course is sdvocst-i e - "ens my- '6 no to an act stlnblallns that Congress “'99 “"‘5“‘°" ” ”"°"”°d ’°'' “" an hour for several hours after lea\'- . 41 .1] concessions I . in i riters and ports. an in; Mineola. and the speed was grsd- :}'::'nemgm:?p‘:£ to”: pfffg ‘fps; lore to be equally accessible for free »_ ‘nnzimcrusedéo an ‘Ease °‘ :"x?' the roll oi’ the employee of the House. lflde l11l'0I18l10l1l the ¢°°n""°'~ ._ I run ,even run ng as asnney “K T. ADGGPSOD Of U1!‘ B00119 COIlh- you‘ 30.‘ Q3 33 3 temporggy mgggufg to gvoidu to‘ Millins Cowbell!’ fllilv h°""°'- The Board of i-iositii with three loss to brewers dnrins the comma» that a number of ‘gainers ltlvins near members. the City Council. Ira Dav- ance of war-tune prohlbiggn. The commission placed all of the . Coumbla had to im t elr crops I. p_ e a d not 1.. He 1130014.:-ti amen to. lb-_ _ . __ . l ‘ 7-71 O'Brya: .....i1"'...“‘I....'.’..cii’.’.‘.’. oi afithe wartime prohihiuon‘ enforcement r:"°"‘”‘t' “rug; .\it:nt:an:n:n rLms*i'-'nor1i. c. got-me: German cotosic in thc-_ _ 4 and wind and their loss would be “me, an ‘en mug in coiumbig yoo- measure prohibiting the sale and con: speed fen On. and u I dclock ma Lo“: "3" Tn" 3-", "an. to (run ted” in provided for m me but“ of slight as a result of the storm. teg-dgy_ ' sumptlon on the same premises of an} “gm. New York “me. ‘he was main “man M.” mm, pk.m_ Nnuom covennm‘ ,um ,3,“ cl“, Light and Water Plan! Bltltt. Dr. A w, lxatnpachtnidi, president intoxicating drink. ‘ mg only (on). mu” m ham.‘ pmd xiedeyme,-er 0fCo|umb1& pilot Imoummg m “nun “manual The electric light and water plant of the Board of Health declined to Testis b) medical men, he said. short I _______ 1,Or[b(,(.a”_omOn Acre Club. im.__m"._ In the arm C1.“ the m‘ndmm.y at Centralia was destroyed by fire pmalte a statement as to the conditions that 2..5 per cent beer .s not inlnxl('8l- llnjor it. \\-, Greene Bees [44 Laud.sfl,u,_.¢1 the club‘: first plane. a (‘-ana- power possum‘ ‘“ of we legialamm last night- The loss is estimated at ,0! the dairies. He said: 1118; Mnior Charles W. Greene of Co- ‘dt.,,,,(~u,-ii, pjgnp. Thurgdny afternoon ‘dministnuve umaconomic rights the ‘$0.000 pan” covered by insurance‘! ./Fhe Board of Health will meet and Lntermel,-i.r said that the proposed iummau who [3 sutgoned ‘t Han]- from the Hun “(nor Company mlsnme 1“ over ‘ fin of i“ own ru1m_ All the machinery in the building within plan will be discussed concerning Wartime prohibition meaeurv iii ‘ hurst I-‘ieid. Mineola. L 1.. has sent K33“,-, (‘ity an-ii fifty minutes later} 1,, we gecond class, in which Ger- duatroyed before the fire was put out. 161500 10 f0l!0‘l'-" " '"““‘''°- ‘'‘'-'‘°“‘ ‘N “~““‘-“ 1.°3“"“‘°"- a picture of the British dirlgible R—34 reached (‘armlltou by air. imn gut Africa is placed. the man- beuevod um, me are was He also said that the milk must not not quite worthy at the dlfillltv of (‘on- I to we Evening Mluourhn. Major ML mederme,,el_ "3" Km.” Cu). nllduory power hold. ‘n legmuhe wd caused by a short circuit in some of 0313' D3“ ‘ ‘°‘‘_b‘“ “*9 °°”dm°m' m "1"" __ ;Gl'ei=De "35 among 111,6 large number 4 o'clock in the afternoon. and '59“ ladministratlre powers. but the com- the wires leaving the building. There ‘‘'m‘'-h “*9 mm‘ '3 P"°d“°9d mu" ‘l’° Pu‘.0 RENT“ ‘0\.”“. “CH1. iwho saw the British dirislble R-3‘ ihe reached Carrollton shortly before 5.‘meri,-gig] gold is wide open to all us- \had been considerable trouble with 53 ¢°°95d°"°d- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ,1!-nil ‘he dl'°PP‘~'d “*9 91"“? mm '1-2°°"°°‘ tions which agree to the boasue 0‘ I L H, Guitar s -_»._,v“-i-"3 ' 7 I’ 3 h wi d i th storm yesterday’ D°°‘°' 0'B"”n “ld am‘ ‘he dufi" , :1 T]; C rt —'—‘ “‘—‘ tail spin. looped the loop and landed xationa covenant. Zif.mJ.?’3. W 0 e ‘W "° '“”’°°‘°“ ‘'”° '° ""‘°'’ '’“‘°' -I cl:-I“lIlitt‘e;:it; r;ldIll)lI?Il1lI.0nc' ‘”-‘‘'''S “"933 UGULATED at the club’! new was 6015- The The bulk of this territory is ii-sra~ The t wn will be without lights for ‘-‘°‘f‘““°° '-hm 1”‘ 3'9"“ 3”“ D. G u u‘ dj 1 g -; ?“"' . trip was sixty-six miles. .\ir. !\'ieder- ea to the Union of South Africa Bel- aeveml in” u 6 “um of we “re. .Msny more screens were used. and ‘C at Smphotliltinczuege reéglll’ ;>m:Dlt1;s ‘Federal Trade Cemmlsshn lrges IaI- may" W“ ucompgnied by one per ‘mm ,,m 8., mm. unitary, mg per. The “net and “gm demnmem in the method of sterilisation is greatly _um_d ‘ ‘ H l t ‘h m -ulncfnrcrs Be Allowed to Fix Prices. unset wmmm Ron" 0, C,,.,.°umn_ mm Formal ‘m M .“,d,d.,m11 3 . : - _ - lie '"'°‘- 5°“ °‘ W’ ‘°" "‘“" °‘ io.ooo saw us so on‘ srnuua dcloct Monday elm l7==iver=ln' ire:'b¢tS}o‘f:‘l?:\(l3':defih1:yT:-:deAC4:ped:Efinned 332:-e3':i.s§';i§'. i:‘?$.‘§; "°‘° “”'°‘ ._._— T ‘the telephone company. are still out‘ _____ student, wm be admmed [me upon . “on to Conn.” tad” “med pun“ eflne)’ ‘ R 8‘ "u ‘"t “H, or “in 3 or order. Many poles and wires are Conference With Shipping Board In! presentation of their hospital. libral'3' (,1 iegi-ilntiou to permit manufacturers a “ “hum md mu” ‘ wee.‘ Y By Dated Pius. " down between here and nearby towns. Prevent General Walk-Out. and incidental fee receipt. to fix and minuin price. for the re- °f.;.:1:n:l?:n,,‘{" cm,” mmngerg 31 Roma, July 11 (delayed).-Speak- damase ls evllrel! "°W"°<‘- NEW YORK. -WY 13--°'“°*°l' °‘ “Sonata in impassioned Style. on $031: iffomote tit? intnreatn of both hemmflibeffi-rl:fht:an‘?enn;inu€.e:.‘In amiss Foreign Minister Enrico Perri. -———"“—'—_ _ , the United States Shiwins BORN? 57." Scliumantfs "PhlD188ll?8“19°“¢-" the manufacturers and the genera mt}, “en”; wighes some thrills socialist deputy. declared that former mam’ "“m'E ST“ "3 mu ‘‘’°"’ ‘° °°“'°" """' """'°““““'°" “"K"°"1-ml" ""‘“"*'° °' "’*“"*° ‘W’ white the report said ' stag: flying he will be charted Premier Orlando and Baron Sonnino. , -'**— h ii‘ i l was i 1- ~- -- -- - ' ' . ' _ through the Drafted a lear Age in lay-.}-Wins ((1: rt :05 alivl:r:18a\l!tlhC:le:umedY 3:21;: so! F052;" n!]B(1al'GBa('1:d.1nor?;hi}git‘:’epf tinder the legislation recommended .dd|uong1ly for the sero aerobatics. fortne:nfdon1gn‘dm.m::uh;rtoMlle'eflut (‘ognkytign h France. . _ .'_» ‘ _ __ ' V ‘vs’ the commission. manufacturers For about a weelt the club wiil feature press I n be‘ . t M “" ‘"’'°“ “N9 "°"k° " ' herd F°““°' 3 Dam?‘ , who desired to ii: and maintain a re “sense: flights. Later Mr. ls'leder- President Wilson had shame I: y Lieut. Claude Btnckes. sou o r. A continuance of the deadlock after - ~ ~——.— ‘ale pm? would me ‘uh “I “en”, gt er ‘rm make “mbmou nub“. in,” an confidence of Italy. and Mrs. L B. Stucltey. 11101 ‘focus! ma”, union leaders said. would re- WHEAT TO MAKE 15 BFSHELS to be “flied by Conn,“ ‘ descflp. fin’; in cum“ county and later in Senator hlurialdl. underaecretaryof —street. has returned to C0 um 838? l 1 I U.“ ff am‘ ‘)1 _......._ ' d 1 3“ in . ggggqnent to- beinz discharged from the army at :0; :1: 31: 2:33;‘ B e a G W. T. Anderson Sara Averill! Will. dog of the ‘fade. confine“ ‘ad 00187 D018 0‘ 5“”°°"- Mn "“”"°" um‘ ‘ . a ' _ pm 3"", L.“ yufk v ipriccs to be maintained. This agency Mr. Niedermeyer and Ernest L - 5' mu Camp Dix. N. J. in m I r at duh Estimates as to the total number W T And '1 of we Boone con“. i would be darted ‘um the “cannon Chen 0, columbu “M L“, c_ Loner, Stucke)‘ watsuch 1‘: (lbfnmbm ‘ of men out today varied. but union ty mm-as C°°'m‘°pmy an an be at or the compact. and in case of calm former president of the student body” god , comm” th; my The men ,3," ‘°‘d°” ‘h°°3g'°‘0m° numb" °! ‘Mk’ poem the ‘men cm‘, this yen. to . plstnt by the manufacturer. retailer. of the University. and L. C. llndlont 570“ h F 180 - . :::l to Camp Dodge and made up part en ‘mm 1._____.°'- _.___ sverase around fifteen bushels to the ! °' “V °“'’ °‘” °°"°‘.’"'°d' "°".m ‘n.’ ‘ '°""'°' ““d°mk;’ 3° U“;°a:ué,:r: Protests! Shut!!! 5539""- of the 351st tntantn. They Went *0 B00“: is STILL 81.800 saoirr acre. Accordins to this. the >'leid“""“““° “"~' '“""v "" " "°°“‘ “‘*°"¢ "'° "°° ° °" ' is United PM-L France and were attached to the ‘ .___ per acre this year will not be as xood “"7 “°“'° “"9 ’.u'°““° °‘ 95°“ "4 Mr‘ I‘°"’°' " “emu” mf&r$?;:: PARIS. July l2.——-A memorandum Eigty-Eighth Divihlon. Stuckey was End of Extended Time for Salvation as that for last year. The average ‘°"“‘3 _°‘ “*9 °°'“'‘°‘' l Alum“ onwdjutwm n proteaunt ltalnst the Shantanl set- » detached from his egmpauy in 0cto- III! 93'1"! Pill“ COIII 3°Hld- yield last year was seventeen bush- No B‘Bms ‘T cox‘;-3‘gxc_£ at in c°'nd"“.on (or m ‘flwon 33¢ her. about Q month before war was With the extended time for the Sal- els to the acre. The wheat crop for _ _’ __ v I a over. and sent to an infantfl °m°'". ""10" Am? 411" ill 300110 C0111"-7 this year. however. will be much Ofloe in Bel Cross 30!. Slrprlsol at no.‘ “cm 8”” training school. Here he was oofn— over. the count! is Ibollt 31-800 8110*‘! larger than it was last y r. 1.411 of Work. ' to the 3393“ V” ‘‘‘‘'’d W i sill. [W 1 “\ii.}. ‘ . ~ 3 da Allies were not renewed btfore K110 -2.: July. Italy would be without y September. a — . \ A_.4.'-:_ _4., ,I'._.,_..;‘.....,.._ ..~"§_'.f~o-“‘w-..-..__- 2 9‘ . ~ v —"'—“""““ Tanker fit « miuiggga . secout‘lieuta‘i1i'ant. nu’ Ofnlfitzleyllbtitlceiliedlhbtrli :10;-hunwn “Seam: 0:130 wheat this“ yea1t'mI;1:eil'- m:\¢:‘l;a’bles were a $3 75 BOY'800U'l'S ‘I0 TAKE ‘I'll!’ :17 0‘ 3”“ "‘“""' °"”"1 7 mm to com . - - s as wen y- ve es conference. , T .._.—-—- i ~ -l buItiew:"§:tlTl0d as a personnel oirl- tltalunr.‘i;llua (:8; 8700. to the acre and 3s low as 8 bushels day that the onions in Cross wm"1'.a;¢‘pnlles'eutI3'II 1“9;t;|' nnd suhtiiidued to the Praddgifiex on u an A E p‘ flnjygfjfiy at districts sen - money to the sore. . rooms have been rsady_ war he s on NICK waslalrll UFO“ 3°} ‘‘‘“'°'‘ 1 . _ » more the ilt-st of the weak. and this ' —-——m-—- tin - . “in . if B”,..,.°n,'§;."ih:?:h° hexhiupbldt ‘ft? 3:: :1: la to bring the ‘total to 81.060 WIDBIE OF SCHOOL REPORT mothers did not unilenstald about U30 the scout encampment to_Arnhold'a ——-——.-—---' - ~ . L ‘ tern nal Educational conference. at least. '---— ovenina _ '33’ ,u ! p p ‘ . . Litgzenut such’ in . "pm ‘Baum. n____rm " LY mzsuns Aueulanee8u‘.Wm'...D’et:-rnl8:‘A‘:ouat of t It kils!n.the”cli,t1>‘i‘i:tlou ofallfs Lang: 3:.’ no gconts will’ leave '. i. "R ““"""'.“h“'..I. ‘*3,’ ~. ~ - 9' °‘ T ’ Charl w Davis 1' it. is " ' *"""‘- """“ um 'ros—olIso0poI ' ' .;._. gym ruinterachool ” » ' N - . county eer Boone County. who is in charge of en.‘ .34 t ’ ‘ when he ietewlga m Fun“ In um Brand Whltlsehja Succeed '1'. I. Pitt’ busy this month completing the eoun- the ¢on¢.,.m,._ an "A ‘.9, u an untold.‘ mu. ‘ha an an The m um“ um’ n", 6 a t V. A . "l '3'‘ ““1° ‘ 8' 3¢F"°“'“''~' °‘ "-3- tr school report The report 60818 mothers understand ma‘:-oat purpose - '”“‘ " . - » s ‘ Lieu!» 301'“ Din“ W‘ ‘4‘‘‘‘ “"'°°° 8113-10-0 Pan with th tusasn d in data ‘ base "' ""‘°‘V ‘ N“ u" 1‘ "‘ Harper former students of the -Uni- PARIS nl u__.nwm“ 5,1,0, ° ‘ ' °° "1 ° " °“’'' ‘”'‘”'''‘'-‘“''‘"'°“” . The scout council will far!!!” "5. 1 4 ., . . g 1 concerning all the schools of the coun- at gust-ed than will he uutuaroul. IP- an or the trip. "““ to II \ 4 varsity. E3 to R“? R3 ‘S: ty. From this report the amount of ptieants at the atlas. ‘ . T: mo’ 9 W 4 "HQ .tI&Q ’ -'—-'-—"—"‘ ‘-_" . m M”. _‘ . ._ A 5397- M“ "a "0"'n“cx this atteruoon. at-and Whlt.loek_. tor- fit-:2? I'll] btfedeter COIGUIII IA‘! 5178 your W "’°""' °”‘ oria!.0°lI|I‘l'*- ’ - . or I I .. I .---——---—.‘ ‘ . ‘ .usu.ea...~——__-an.nui..._’ is _ _ ., 1.‘“°"°'°"”B’“’*‘ '“’d”"‘“'°"‘?.‘“°"""?7"9"n1ueaas'snniutionsto:“:. » o “ ,...,.... tnisnhishsshssatissstosouvs,..,........m......m..,,.i“.~ ‘ ' .h. ‘ w . ' , _ * .— . . ."¢°°‘*"“""""“°" A otiisutyaotiauusc stoinsug A mmflm W _s .n.,.“,-. .“” in lhiaealnshtday. pedaatsi¢_wusoattsacIslwo'cloehlnitha:hor_a1agto¢o?clot$1I._‘ “mu” T‘ by fhfllill‘ - aootissllltlo