__ __ . ...o,._k yet done by miss Kerr. oetunx ‘forth as‘ it does . modern American 'life which III tigrowing all too common. and potntlna 'Ithe way to the solution. (Doubleday P189 3 C°-- G"d°“ CR7- '.: cloth; 360 1181198: 81-50 .I “'l"hr- Earth Turns South-" Cit-meht Wood in (D9 P0933» "The ‘Earth T'urns :-Knuth." Kiwi 8 8311198- ’ hem yew.-tattoo of the real southern Inegfo‘ But the poems are not all about t- p Some are full of an almost .|nerc.;. 1os't.- tor_.nature emit)‘. in- wm-d Ly the restless urge of those who It-e and feel. ti: "la button and t‘orxmnn)'. York. clnlh. 149 nukes. 81.5" v New ~. 1 ,-torn i; or Ext-:t't"rtux ‘l x..;;.~- in l.IP‘fe-ii)‘ given, that I:-it;-rs tel- ... - }:..:,u- of flux: Biedaoe. Ill-it '9 n,_11t t..- Lin-n-r to .\i.\ If Y K CA LI '\\'lCLL. En-cntrlx. l‘tl'.l.iI‘:l : J udgp qpf I'rnIr:l it‘ All-~~l iii. \ P283 1 - _, mtg: _- .__._4 EE NATATORIUM SCHEDULE 7-9 30 Ill mi and Bo)‘: [Women —'.'-9 p m. ‘j I’l'l\‘al(' Parties after 9 p in Men and Boys _ {omen - 7-9 1) vi} ';_ Private Parties after 9 p m. .\l»n and Boys \‘ Party Night . tF:tmily and (‘oupi .- A - - ..__-___.-._:.._.l_ swimmer and life guard in charate. e for lndlvtldunl swimming less a. minim: and course tit-kt-ta. ' |\ E 44 GREEN A hsolute Sale! y the characteristics of I .~ ‘ ‘ .1‘. -u to Id Have as air very easy. Most: I‘ culties have come 0,’; A 2 ( syrup with 3»; Karo '.lr gar—and you can lg! nt on good, clear is recipe-and you ‘ll all not grow tough Jtl a. C-' . "If tyrup has a natural 1/, Des. It blends the t c ad brings out the ma Candyhialring wed in minions of "U and baking recipes gar. It is sweet, of O gs ‘ out the natural 6. ‘l «e including recipe Q reserving. cvery- . I ages handsomely ; rbc book is free. IO COMPANY & Yul . .4 "vttt tut: ‘till! ttttlll lllllt } I '1‘ aw _ . A- 1.... ' Agency. War-time prohibition became et'.tec- tive July 1 through President Wilson‘: proclamation prohibiting the sale intoxicating liquors from that date un- ltiluw vtitii ‘GRID -Wlll0AI1Il'&vm., Inc. luInandyn-' -. fij-wit: uvu—— s-alts... 5ts'i't't'r'6Ua-naat.aa roa vi. a'." atutssiaat-:s. m of CORSB-I-S :t.aIttIInaIou:-uIauI_-2:: lourprud ‘ C4--.*.=.*:'s~ . éfi - Nan You _ Cancun?’ C __'l'llE EVENLVG IISSOITRIAL (‘OLD IBM. MISSOURI, WEDYESDAY, JULY 0, 1910. PH|i|PPli[lllSSlili sutttt_tts_ttttttttts Asks American People for just Consideration of Plea for Independence. SHOULD s‘t‘t7D\' cast-; “I0.00i_|t)tl(il Christian Filipi nos Rcscnt I..ibt-loos Com- mcnts by Critics." \\'ASiil.'\’(:T(),\'. July 9 A l a Jtission mad" up of forty represen- lative Filipinos had left Manila and were tomint: to Washington charged by the l-‘h.ltppim- ll'£:l!-‘-Iulure with the duty of cont-c\_'tng to the t’nitcd Slalt‘: .- trankcest assurance ui tho good will. frlentlship. and uratltutie of the Filipino people. and submit with as mu?-Ti respect as confidence the ques- tion of Philippine independence, with « * to it.» tinul settle-nu-tit." For - in the h.stor_t' of Fili- relatitmsthip, a poiitical leaders of also of the various eietnents of ill!‘ population. lwittz ofitt-lgtlly sent to A,nlt'I'lt’1.l lu re.-mmti lo~:' of her prom- iw of two dt‘t‘E|dt‘F ugh, The at-ndim: of the \Il.'~’H'lUll to the 1'n.tt-ti State-s ham §t‘f\t~t‘l to tnxite Amt-rica's atten- tlon to the fat! that the desire for Ili- dependo-ttt-e In universal among the 9 “BS eople. The I-‘iiipitiu prop}:-_ ‘.l1f0iJl.:I1 tit--tr Ieazaily t~nn.~‘titute-ti l't'[Il'(?élt‘f‘il1llI\t‘~' blue itllllt‘ ht-.'-ire: the Atneritan [wu- pie subtnttiitu; the luilowllll-Z propo.-z ' First. that as defined and vs tahllahe-ti in August '.".4. 1591'}. the purpmw of the Gu\'ert;:m-tit of the United States is to withdraw its .-k)\£!It“'lEIll) o\er rhi- Philippine: islands as soon as u >~r;tb!t~ twxerttmt-nt can be r~.-tabl{.~ht-d ’.her--- in, second. that in u(‘t"Hf‘¢‘ll1ll1‘i'Wtlh the terms anti pr-.-vis.n1i.~: of that law the- pr-opic of the i’hlli;tptn-".~ hair ura::tn~ tzcd a t:m'ernmv:-ztt st-hath has nffc-rt-ti "“'Il3pIt*lt" 5-vidt-nee that tgotidittorts 2l!'.t' ripe fo: the f‘§I4‘1llIi!‘IlTll0‘lll of ill! in dependent tzuvt-i'r.nient that utli fu‘.l\* be capable of ttiaittlaininx law anti CLASSIFIED ADS. llaif I Coat a Word a Day FOR RENT ‘ll: l€if\ l‘ \ :-- -ztt fttt!.t- »«~«' !.t ttw film‘:-It ' | " It I't'--v~- it till i-!- of ,\t. II . ‘VIII: 1’ -.t§i H16 \--flit 'o ‘It'll ' I' \]0I0“l'll0l tut-'.tv Tn--l I'll in“ r) \l|'I~4'l fr--zttlttg ttw till-I112.‘ I'w~i-!o'~ lin- l't)nni- trr-~ .41"-~ ‘\\.~ l-ttlt I ma ill I it 1'!-‘I-pfirtitltt '-rum ~iI'e‘;t'.l 1; |D~'r it -t: ~l -I‘ tnltnr_\ rt "Ii'i|Ii !l"l xx at-~r ft::t.i -~ tI\n g:tr:u:- l'.«--t t.~- .IIl ~:~. in n‘. Ili'lII-‘ t_ It -..~ urt film‘ ]ItH’-‘ fur I wt--tttt or frttt--r till)‘ .1 .\ ‘I ll“ \IIT, iix- II:tIlL’|' I|.tti' l{|lII‘I5ltL.' I'D-tin’ 3'-ll. FIIH lCl.\T 5'»-[Ilt‘illI»'T I . \ ll ni-nlo-rtt It»-Il~a' t---rtxttitr in ~ in tim;i-ttar maul. gt.-t I-r ---«tLit.t:. out fr:-nt_ Itifn! In (‘nil-.n 3! ~07 \’i.'5:itti.i .‘i\'t'f:lI9‘_ l'lJHn" lII’H llinrk. t: not! .-. FOR SALE i‘IIlt S.\i.l-1 .\ I‘--r-l t--cr;:r.: --nr lit gt:-uI r‘un«i.iI~-it Hill H‘ Hr:-mt. It ‘RA Full 2-'.\l.l~2 —\\'lll,\- Kttigltt it-llfiilfl --ur. '. n uh--Ii: .'._mu mil.-~. 4 nvts [Irv-A J |- 9- .\l ‘.'.'-Ulf E’ Losr AND rotntn E \I-vn-I:i_\' znflvftlm-ti, fl Ivlrtrltt hustli- v lufil-it t‘--utvut.-t lmltk -ww-uitr-, vnllittg card! and nu I 7 11 "K I I '_ I’! invite) it» .trui Pl. 1- .'r{io_ K..'|‘,.; .\ X lust zt Iv n-attic-tltuv Ii:-I llrtt ll ‘.“‘I‘l' C '.*tl2tt II INT I ufHm- key. VINL p _\| is---vtirltttt LUST Small I-Ill!‘ [It-I‘hI'ilumli alum ttluwn, Rt-ward. Poltuo 371) \\'ltltr- Ii ‘.‘.'JQf IISCRLLAHBOUB \\'.\.VTIIIl F'.xp¢-rt»-no--ti (v'!tI‘llr'Y for ti" mo--‘tic -vie-tmr tltiti Irlturilnli in nu tnmorovwl I‘I‘I’lI|IIIIIfIlI"I blah '\‘IIuui In Uklahoutu I‘:tll 3.‘-2 \\'ltito- B-‘£110 “'Af\-TICID luau-hi-tulth. I'o-rtuum-tit will- A I_\* in writing -tntint: rt 2 tnltlrl v‘X|n-1'1Pd and l.'i\'t- liL’|‘ \ an i‘ir-- “fl-‘R (in, .\I(-XIPII, “It IS ‘,'i$'l “'.\.\"I'l‘:l| l‘I.\|wl’i«lit'e-1| Wmui ‘rttlm: u and give age. (*0 Mn 4}-‘.'fltl l'l~;.\'Rt'ii t‘l.i2ltl(.~‘ tmcn. womeul Lilli needed Sit‘: month Ag:-, ill upward. [-21 of rmtr Itowrutncn 4512 Von- Hm-ntal Bldg. \\'tuhlm.'ton. .\'-'46.’. \\'A!\"I'El|- -Your in-tn-tit:-hing Wnrl. aunrantee-d. Bluff‘? Mavlllnr Cu. I'll-tilt‘ Kr; V 11-290 Al\'Tl:D—‘l‘o hear from owner of I006 farm for sale. State out: price fall par- Yilculara. D. I’. BI‘. Iinuapolll. :13: TEACIIERS WANTED ‘Pun-c commercial. I00. Missouri‘. linu- llah. non. lllinuta; ten manual tnnlninx' artist: and lgtin our tvlrlit-I1 train- ing and an ancient. Iouri. 81.2!!! woman trove rtllhgr rinrlpala. Minno- : ntaulcnt two-y r hin, hoot. '-cauouat . Bank Building. telephone - f C-260 I in the effort 1~«u-um‘ phone zip or 447. . . order. administer justice. promote the welfare of all the inhabitants of 1115 islands. and discharge at well its in- ternational obligations. 7 Of the ten million, tire hundred thou- sand inhabitants of the Philippines. 10.- ‘00fv.0O0 are a Christian and civilized people. and the 500.000 non-Christiana are not typical of the Filipino people- The ten million Christian Filipinos living today deeply resent the mans‘ llbeis committed against them. Our jpress clipping service shows that con- sidera bit: Opp0t§.llOIl KO STIUIIUS 019 Filipinos what the)‘ desire COIDGB {T0111 .men who actually believe that Ameri- ica found in the Philippines naked sav- lntzes and wild men. Those who would like to stw the Philippines permanent- .I_\* l't'l.‘tIllt:(I for exploitation, know the ta-ntper and this heart of the American t'.liZt‘lll'3r' luu well to openly oppose Illtlt'|l('llIIt'lll‘t‘ on .-tut-h a selfish basis. 'i'hurc- are those who are solicitoua '0.-er the safety of the Filipinos once .the_x~ aft‘ left alone. and those would like to be assured that no harm shall yew-r befall them But \\'.\s ind.-pg-ndence ever attained by any nation without the people tak- ing a chance? If individuals did not it-are the parental roof and take 8 '('httllCf‘_ would they attain success in tlifr-'_‘ if absolute safety from foreign tazcressittti was an essential condition ‘to Illfl(‘pI'T‘-d('T)t‘P_ how many nations twmtld be llltivlielltltinl today? (‘ould t lit'ILZ‘.lllfl haw withstood the attacks of Ht'Iill£Ill'~ " (‘mild France alone? And yt-1, \\llti would say that these two t'uull'tl‘:v'~ sltnuld not be independent? t" .~..nt',d.«m hope that it will merit a iufll ’t'nn~‘:llt-rnlitlll liut a just considera- tion is ]u'i.~‘s'tlii_\' only after all the par- ('t)n('t'l‘nt‘d l1a\t' been duly ac- tl-,1;t'.nlt_-d Willi ill? fatts Of the C386. “'2 ‘t1t‘I‘ll‘..Llltl o tttllcr study of our problem. ‘M. -‘mg \\hg,i.~\er decision is r.rri\'ed 1-, wt?) lw the result of honest judg- f . ‘n1n;l‘.‘l_ and not of prejudice and ignor- ‘ill . M» Tu uolr from the instructions of the Pb lit-pine Legislature to the .\Il.~.~lun_ our "national record of over twe-xtty _vear5_ from the first day 0 .\I'lIt‘fl(_'lll'l occupation until the P“'-‘39m- H .t:t open book. and is now unheal- -_~,-mgt_, .-ubmiltt-d to the examination and critit rain of the worl Yesterday's Late Ncvrs lhpilnl Pttnishntent After Cut-'ltlHf' Gardner late lot lift‘ ll\’t' ti:-tuber 6. President Speaks in .\’ett York. After it llttrtido: through the streets of .\'ew York. crowded with P900“ to \A-‘It'tiilH' him home. President Wil- ""‘ unit lll1'i\‘t,-d at Carnegie Hall at 5.23 I afternoon \\'hen n't‘I.m'k _\'t‘."-lrf'(lI‘l_\' lI'to- I'lt‘SltIt."Ill llll!lU'.t‘.*‘ [inf ktftl IIIE hall. rose an (l]¢~4*l‘l‘Il. (low.-rnor Stttttli of New York wei- .¢*om(-d tilt‘ I'i't'nldt‘tlI as the bearer Of peace treaty “V-'ortli_v of the honor, i dlI_:nll_\' anti niajt-st,\"of this great t*ntlnlr\' " l'rosidt-nt Wilson spoke only ten Imlnutt-s. sa_\'in “a few words from !“tny Ilt-:trt out " During the address he said. “America will not fail to lend her if hand in as:-istatire to those Rite has llliitlt‘ Trim’ 5 stint] as tlw i~p0t't'll the I'rt-indent took it special for Washington. >- Ballooulqs to Hall liars Sunday. (‘(imm1lnit'ultull with the ‘Mars is the feat that will I tempted Sunday by Prof. Avis Todd '.llI‘t'. Hwy -A ‘i luv urn-t.-our lmrrg-.1 I.I‘I.A F Fttltli, liu-cutrix Altrst. ii. A i'UI.I.IlCl{ mite of l‘r--Emir -I-‘irri ltnwrtit-n June Ill: en-,‘ Rl}‘L£)fE!\’ RESP!!! PRACTICE British Shoot at—'l‘argets Now instead t "Germans. By Yum-d Press. BISLEY CAMP, Eng- July 9.--After . four years Boche—ahootins..Britaln'a crack rifiemen resumed their annual The famous Bialey meeting is inter; national in character and normally attracts the world's best rifle and re- volver shots. events are monopolized by army teams. This year dc-tnobilitatlon progress trtonsiderably affected Practically every imam ’ I the p The strike wiil (‘lose practically all [saloons then. t I I t t i that letter: tea H. many eligible rifle-men being frankly "fed up” with sl1ootitw._ and finding target practice unexcitlng after Ihci real thing .\'everthelt-as most of the British and Colonial rllnmpions were there being keen rivalry for the Elcho Shield. for teams. and the King's Prize. for individual ritlemen. l-‘ancy ll-Ome-killed fresh lamb and veal at Hetxlefs. Phone 165. just the thing for those week-end trips. They are small and Iight-- yet the number of articles you can crowd into ~ one will surprise you. PRICES: -35.00 to $45 PARKER’S “luggage of All Kinds" although most of the‘ )| ‘:_‘_.-. _x-- _ I I I I } ¢—t-—1 . :_.'."i, Iitltl; . It —» n;;‘.:: .-N 4 '_§ _; L“ I‘ It“' *- Il" :51. I u. r“. ’ - ‘ " Y. . — 0 ' «ti on IJI ll l"fl aeiidem of your city, responding to wide advertising. havehelpedt'.omal'.eTheLain¢tnnone oithemod aucceaxful hotel: in Chicago and for this are that _ . You are invited to wric tot reservations, or to wire at our expense, ' every aaaurance‘ol;_aen_ice.' hocpifaliry and moderation in charges.’ Buildinzjlwned and Opuated B!‘ Intfefitate Hotel Company THE TAV'ERN GARAGE MAi~;E.S A Si‘!-".L‘lAI_'l‘\' oi" REPAIR WORK Nll:;CHAl\'l(.‘s with experience A SHOP with all necessary equipment A TRIAL will convince you of our superior work I-1AT’S what the doughboys called THE RESFYE WORK is easy compared with the aftermath of a fire from which you coiled no in- surance. We certainly wouldn‘t want you to lose money that way. Take heed and let us write you a policy in the best company. High prdtecuon. Low premiums. Phone 2? SMITH 1 PATRON REALTY C0. M0-l-2 Exchange batloml Bank Bldg. Real Feopid the ‘battle-fielcb and back of the lines in France. They were "real people" to the soldier be- cause tbey were just like the folks back home, with bands accustomed to work and eyes always ready to smile. And now those same" "real people," back from tbowar with new laurela. have built their trenches in the Streets of Pov- 0 age by fire. clone. Windstorm. and eft. A $2,000.00 policy costs $8.00. A 81,500.00 policy coats $7.00. A $1,000 00 poll!!!‘ costs $6.00. A $800.00 policy coat! 88.60. A 8500.00 policy costs $5.00. not to exceed coo your policy expiration and see me. _ Compare the protection and price: I give ytgznwlth any other companies ' in the e. I have been vrltint in- th their insurance with than the total coat being about 5-5-the prld of old auranoe. They aettl »nd anti see méorer Peck’: Drug Store or (adv.l s.iLs'rsv_mboN.uuit. fiood Semi for Automobile Owners. For a short time you will be able to get your automobile insured in The Automobile Insurance lightning. tornado. cy- th We write any amount on new cars t price. Look up eallloaa . bx‘, .7, - "iii? 25 Iaxdm-in Io Get‘ Mark 7 J‘ I! oggloiéate Yohdfinam fifiml flat or J'~for.v_ - ADS "i T’ 5 It /3 ‘ ADJ/WM’ . I arty in America. They will wage the fight for the poor and unfortunate at home, just as they have donerfor years. only on a we we . The Salvation Army conducts Rescue Hotnes—Day Nurseries—I-Iomaa for the Helpless Aged-Fresh Air Fat-ms—Fraa Cl. . . . It is going to extend this service whterevu Miser-yandPovertyexist ltmustcon-_ tinuetoréaehdown and lift up the men. women and children who have fallen. J $13,000,ti00 For Humanity . TO YOUR LIMIT! . I 9 , ‘ t A ' 1 ' . 0 . _ ,.. . ‘ . 4- 7 - . -¢-a-I-am - -< «J— mo« -.