' sesuuPriunsssy‘1te$ade2.motthecityBosrdotHuhh.wuldIn-UIPHIO-on-tIns8Li6o.Oo6.s60. -racists-i mes.‘-"“ -a-—----—.— .i — A if, .. nngggfij I make no _‘ there- the Var Department has ordered aysstu-day inf: ' --- «Ills SID) ,‘ (IIICAGO. July s.—!Hn¢‘s continued suits ottne _ but hinted that sales organisation tor disposal of the Clark. C-year-old sols rum lsrillsaa Jen. man).--‘ranslersrs 5 gig . i ., mg]; upwgfi] may to“, .-ggcungisnme sign! Tracts were disclosed. property. tohstormsdialrsnoabla Ihciart. vflsvasseeldeatlyshgthy Dr. I. B. Brown sold the 1. 1‘. try. tlsollsst ‘ w_n_wu_s0N, ;3uo.h,,nd,,¢ mun» V V in said tbt the redoroféalafiaratoiqtnidnspr Pisros rarm.anrunsstotaaasasss..hnvst-y toilet-it Z5-p.r_,_~§ moulsuuu - i. Q ; outer. uctuq. tut g3 50,. as work of inspecting yoatd continue cial lioase otnanittas luvsstl¢'Iust;porte’d‘xo 5. g-..u.“..5n‘;t pun, Iada1..tb.P.I.~&owaaItd1rwlanod-vlIsuaItbya_.nZsIIIiees¢sIII'fi 7 ‘ . . sssurod.~ ; dmflntlhllioek. ‘ ' WIrD0pIrtInsntexpendituresahsua£Ilsmos'isl8CQltalthissfurnoon. Ilslolflallsylllelortllfillecliv. “|1150NlI“-39|$&h&'I- ‘ ' ’ , - ‘ l \:\ ',5*.‘.''' 1 . I .. - --- -— A -"“ . t‘; . . ‘ C I i .} I l '1 run ' ' run sums mssonsux. eomnu. mssomu. Wlinsfislmr. JUL! I. ms. ==._,_;___.,..———___.-.;-=-.—:---==~ . A . —-j __p_:_ - - l d t th sme work yet done by Mia! Keri’. 0911111: shess. Wilson can declare war-time 1 . Tn: “Luna nrst ;;ass¢elng¢;r whto rode in Now that I'0m‘11 l"“'° ‘he b“u°l' be, 0 cu“ 1' ere pe now a resident of New Orleans . - ‘a .love of pleasure led Harleth into a IE. P. Dutton and Company. .\0“' - h * am to do with it? is sold to provide for court tests on ‘ ' in the sinter lime the chil reu go. Y ,1; (mm 149 pages’ $1.50.) what are t e) 5 8 b mm f the kw “ uwuod to arrived in Columbia on Monday. she: I‘ I d ‘ P, n the choollgt,-mttou with Leila Templeton, one o . . l e "3 y 0 will be the guest of her sister. l’resi- ‘"1 W W an mu’. my 0 5 .of her close friends. Marcia r bel V ._ G001! SPORTS ‘beer of £1118 M-l'8!18‘lh- Th“ V511 Dl‘0br dent L_ w_ SL (_-lubnoss u (\hfisufln grounds. in the summer time with l‘ Not um” he had drunk or the drug; "'1' ‘ 1 g 2 t‘ A good sport is a person who thinks : u'bl)' be 1318 031)’ ‘W9 "*9" um“ um College for several weeks. much time on their hands the children 101 his own folly did he awaken to his sorlcx or Izxzctjritlx ‘ ’ . of himself lasL “Then he is D"~‘““"’i50P"3m° C°‘""- Which meet‘ m 0°’ _ _ ‘inure no place to lilzl.V- Many of these selfish wrons-(10108. and then. I135 " stuticv ls herel»!EK1W-‘9- lglellml’-4"‘i§Jk:,:*"_"' ': . bent he dent-es pleasure from enler- ttober. decides whether 2.i5 beer is in- Miss Julia Polls}: of Louisiana. Mo. not been for a sudden dramatic turn tamentsry on the ‘slatI;00we undemgn . 4-at-aged, acre gran ed talnln others When he is blue aittiito;1cgtm5_ is the guest of Miss Libbie Collins. . .of affairs, it might have been too late ~ on we 25", an °,_,m.,_ ,,,19_ b, tr... ;'n.. i gm ll (1. ‘unload ms “mi How: er tli drys in contrast; 706 Missouri avenue this week .”""’ ‘‘°'“‘’“ 5"“ 3° ““° "‘° “W” ‘°5tor reparation There is In "n°1P°°" Wt CW" °‘ B°°"° ‘ "“"‘-‘"- ’“"°""‘ “' ' .4 mlsera e e oeis no ' * ° . ' ~p1u\ Playing ball in the streets of; ' persons . 3 -- " ' ,ed unlacing of the tangled threads of in the cars of his friends but llldt5[!I1&ln~5In8d that they will stop the sale “Home swam“ alumni mcuinwolumbm bu been made an cause‘, ..-. rpq __ - . . . , ; ,th. 1 ry leadln toward happiness. _ M. o -} himself somth here until the spell l6 :0! 2.45 981' Cent 009*’ ‘"5113 “"° '99“ and -bustneu men M11 be present at punishable by fine. The cit)‘ has 0888-; .(:.I.sh: See_S.w§ by Sophie Ken. 5. githc dstgdof said Letters. or the-yd main: 1 over A good sport does not grumble . by passing a bill defining intoxicatinit ‘the Masonic smoke, w M g-A-en pride; ed ordinances to protect its omes . story of the me of Ameflcta pm, 2 d H mph (mun M not "Mbncd flu,“ ‘t the beat nor does he swear when it uquor as 3 beverage or product con-imgm by the Acacia fmtem,l_‘.A ifrum these youthful ball players. Hrfiiperons and um “nus -«young; get," [one you from the date or [be last inser- rains. He takes thinsfi 38 019)‘ COD? . 1' I - . bll ti f thi notice. they tsining one-half of 1 per cent alcohol. ,ln dolllil this 11 Dfoildeli 00 D18 H“ which Mame“. me me of the§t'l:‘lh0lf).l|1l':£:er “___A_ '_t_ _ A 1-. l A tax on a strength-building 700d-« Ham and Sidnev. and sister. Miss Em- represenu-.'d by cmflm Igor‘ juhll Dewev tells the story of the‘ _ m W I ' . - 5 l ' _ — i- ' ‘ -- ’ . omen—a-9 p in. j {A 3 L‘: that bit; rich and poor alike and ms Buckner of Paris. left Monday fort Attendants‘ m_5h§t..-_ uulef boy. i rt1't'i\'a.1 and new life of an unattractive, . Thursday Men and Bo}: P;_“_me Puru“ any 9 D. m. l T. I equgll)" 15 not a fair luxury tax. The 1 Billings. Mont. From theft? the)‘ Will ,p|lots and mechanics. ‘dilapidated and almost deserted rural , _ _. _ __ ,_ ~___.-. _ , . .- .- ,; i . v - ’ it ‘h h’ V - ’ -- _ _ 3 -. 75 I muuhmnnznure pus 3 wootclem ta: ; :?l‘lesI:et:de”tt°vn!::t’1ne P“ V‘ ere 1 9} \ir (‘ammo-rt~.i:ierl:r«I:grt~-ts tiieglri nhecf: :l‘:):h8\s2‘(]le.{r\(:f(‘f,l nSl'>1tff‘(;li:l'l .~ Friday women Men and Bow ‘ . 1 ht ' {g cm as_an- - . - A ' ’ l _ ___,.___._______ - i on us C ‘ tens C C”: 6 1 . mug sale'i~.Gentiemeu, the twenty-‘and a disgrace to function as a vital . V ' by me “me law the R op 8” pus‘ ‘ilrfi. NOY8 DYE?’ and he’ d“ughler'|first century is the ccnrurv of prog ‘form in the oducalitm and social life’ Saturday Men and Boys Pu“. “gm 1‘; the same amount as her uoonday des-N ‘ , - - r ~ ‘ (pawn; and coup; ~ l "n0f'0lhV' (~1liF‘3- 19“ T07 MODUW“ 13'" ircss ‘ilodern bUtillll'>'~§ must be done of not only the students but of‘ the : ; sert and the late-to-Work mall 011 1115‘ ~ .' ' . . - i A .' . ,j . ".'"—“' . "'——"'?'-1 4 i ~ H. ,‘‘’‘‘‘°-‘' ‘" 8 “"'d“" “it “” 5”" °““’.°‘‘.“‘'‘‘““‘'’ "‘ "“‘ "’”’" "°"“ ‘"5 E.F. Edwards, experienced swimmerand life guard in charge. . . breakfast of malted m it. ._.. [“.(.my>fl‘.(, nir‘)]“np5 (U, 5319 mdn,-t tn” _ -. ; “.5 Ob‘.‘ous the goverflmeut needs. m,t,.m Br-nu'n_ a former student in ‘The demand ;, g,(.,,,e, man the sup, «I-ht (.ha,,g._, was m.mmp“§h,_.d as ‘Arrangements may he made for individual swimming lessons. ‘ .1 the mot1e)"or 8DCh 8 H1€lhOd WOl.Ild IIOI. lht‘. S(‘h0I_ll Of Law. T'9lUTD8d 10 K311‘ ; and this 3-in be your lug} phanye | 3 rfosuh of the \-1'3-jun‘ tmngrgy and per- CIIFU ‘Wm, “"nCEd Ind COUISQ s l 5 have been even conceived. Prohibit.on sas Cit)’ i'8§l9l’d3." 839*‘ 5D°“d'“¢ 3 for a month. Who wants the firslysen-ri‘f1r‘e of a woman. the teachcrfi “ 3 too cuts a big hole in the income of ‘Wei! Wllh his Dfifefllfi 00 P343”! M9‘ ‘one? (.\’o hands raiscd.i\The Allan .\lrs Marie Turner Harte}. This; Perk" on Absolute Sfldy V‘ the United °9liil('8 that must he fillt-’°“"8I Our service lS prompt and sat1s- rt‘) Karo (Red Label) is used in millions of ”U ' ~ yes 0 its urg om now on. . . , _ . 'n A‘ "It is quite certain um whether‘ ‘ factory. -. '1; homes- In all coolant; and balnntt recipes & . .; we have celibate fellowships at our - , , use Karo in“-‘ad of “M. It i’ “met ' I colleges, or advertise for a gardner. ‘VC dC]lVCl' 01'! “inc. delicate fla d ~~\. of :t 0 ' - , ‘without incutnbrrtxscesf or dismiss: ‘ var’ an hung out the naulrd {. ' a‘ women teachers on marriage." says" flavor Of the Le ‘A Professor Karl Pearson. an eminent -_ .. , sociologist of our day. “We are ignor— A. ing the fundamental laws of eugenics." ' .‘ if Marriage is the right and duty sf‘ so \ s I every . lectualiy and morally fit. Societv is the loser. if the women of our intol- lectual class do not marry and the next generation grows up the otfspring of inferior stocks. As sure as we make $0.1 S'l'.L(I.ll38Yll.lP&PIl.$C0. . I ‘lb '1 707ClarhAvs$ 5s.I.ads.&. CORN raooocrs utlttltnsc contrast 10! up no 0 . ’ ": ~ number of marriages among the edu- cated class. . The unmarried state is just as false k a standard for teaching in the public ‘ schools as sex is a false standard for the exercise of the right of suffrage. »s 0},‘ ~..""« U -. 5% If weeds bore valuable fruit. own- - ers of vacant lots in Columbia could i turn fruit growers for the summer and Q retire on their incomes by fall. L8‘?-‘ '1 05'.‘ um: raonntmos strnlnos and ms... tsouaau hsthus. War~time prohibition became eifec- ‘bi W‘ tire July 1 through President Wilson's Introd- I. ow so W. B. Cossstsss form- hnatlfisss. K¥QUR«D£ALE§ 302- .I.P0lIlll IIASSIERB. ; , proclamation prohibiting the sale of '.‘m&_K&i _, 2 ; * intoxicating liquors from that date un— . . -v-IQ?- ‘Ii-I-v-Mi-le--I __‘ I “\ Q C‘ \\’_‘_0.O. - ‘ ‘ 91 70; xi \ :5; C til such time as demobilization of i troops should beoompletod. ‘Vhentlte """"""° I " _ ,1» { ' i . , _ — « A army reaches s peace-time basis. so Wunmuuhm. lie. - New You Oust»? = . ' ’ ‘ "- ’ i 4 . r “ 1 ‘ ' cordins to the iigures nxedhy Con- ~ - . , A . —. . .- qnlitim. . lfiicjlsrssod’ 4‘ - Ilbsnd:-' ‘ ‘ ' _“‘_*‘ ‘, ..